
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:马艳波[1] 程跃[1] MA Yan-bo,CHENG Yue(School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan University of Science & Engineering,Zigong,Sichuan 643000)


出  处:《怀化大学学报》2017年第6期66-67,共2页Journal of Huaihua University

摘  要:暗夜行路》于大正10年1月在《改造》杂志上进行连载,中间两度中断,历经16年终于完成。大正九年,志贺直哉就完成了小说的整体框架的构思,这两次中断必然存在合理性。本论将以志贺直哉的日记为基本考证依据,沿着时间的轨迹,考察第二次的九年中断期存在合理性。这九年的时间既证明了志贺直哉是一个极具精神卫生的作家,又是作者为实现预定的主人公心境所必需的时间。Walking at Night,which was serialized on the magazine Transformation in January,1921,was breached twice and eventually accomplished 16 years later.Of He Zhizai completed the conception of the novel in 1920.Its breach of twice,therefore,must have had the rationality.This paper attempts to survey the breach during the nine years chronologically based on his diary as evidence.The nine years not only proves that he is a writer with mental health but also the necessary time to realize the predetermined hero's mood.

关 键 词:家庭因素 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
