
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:陈臻渝[1] CHEN Zhen-yu(School of Foreign Languages,HuaQiao University,Quanzhou 362021,China)


出  处:《长春师范大学学报:人文社会科学版》2017年第2期 85-88,共4页Journal of Changchun Teachers Coliege

基  金:福建省2017年度社科基金项目(2017C032)

摘  要:以问卷调查得到的数据为资料,研讨汉日母语者在进行请求行为时的差异点,得出以下结论:在请求行为的方式上,与汉语母语者相比,日语母语者较多使用间接请求或含蓄请求。而当与对方的社会联系属于明显的上下级时,汉语母语者和日语母语者都避免直接请求,显示出类似的使用倾向。在请求行为中所使用的前置语列方面,日语母语者较多使用"道歉型"前置语列,而汉语母语者则较多使用"顾及周围型"前置语列,并根据与对方的社会联系使用不同的前置语列。This paper focuses on the differences between the prefaced expressions used in request of Japanese and Chinese.Based on research,we found the following differences.First,considering how to request,it is obvious that the native Japanese speakers frequently use indirect requests or pragmatics requests.And if listeners are their senior,the native Japanese speakers do not use direct requests,the native Chinese speakers are also too.Second,after counting the number of prefaced expressions used,we found that the native Japanese speakers more frequently use the prefaced expressions expressing apology than the native Chinese speakers.And the native Chinese speakers use the prefaced expressions expressing concern for the surrounding.

关 键 词:请求 前置语列 语言策略 语言行为 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
