
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:陈海峰[1] CHEN Hai-feng(International College of Chinese Studies,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China)


出  处:《齐齐哈尔学院学报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第6期86-87,共2页Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy & Social Science Edition)

摘  要:以非真性询问"谁"特指疑问句为中心,对反问式非真性询问"谁"特指疑问句、设问式非真性询问"谁"特指疑问句和反问式设问非真性询问"谁"特指疑问句进行了细致地描写和阐释。非真性询问"谁"特指疑问句用于传信时,语义特征是"非真性询问"谁"特指疑问句只是其语境中所存在的充分条件的前提的必然的毫无疑问的结果,其疑问项的信息域是个空域";语用阐释是"非真性询问"谁"特指疑问句是说话人在知道答案的前提下,应用疑问句的形式给予听话人信息、实物或服务亦或是向听话人求取实物或服务的言语行为"。From the realized ways of non-Authenticity inquiry,the conversion of interrogative sentence from authenticity inquiry to non-Authenticity inquiry is realized by the individual asked,individual asking,the individual asked ways and individual asking ways.We give the comprehensive description to the wh-question of non-authenticity inquiry with interrogative pronoun of who and explain the following reasons: It is known that all the information is contained in the deep semantic structures of the interrogative sentence of non-Authenticity inquiry,it usually has the semantic premise of sufficient conditions in the language context and it is only the undoubtedly inevitable result of the premise of the sufficient conditions.The pragmatic conditions of non-Authenticity inquiry:(1) speaker S knows answers;(2) S wants to give hearer H information,real things or services or gets real things or services from H;(3) S is interviewed to give H information,real things or services or get real things or services' efforts from H.

关 键 词:非真性询问 谁 特指疑问句 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
