
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:修德健[1] 


出  处:《东北亚外语探讨》2017年第3期48-51,79共5页

摘  要:本文从词汇学的有关角度考察了日语的二字汉语词和汉语的双音节词中存在的缩略(也称省并)现象的字序问题。结果表明字序排列分别与传统习惯、汉语对日语的作用等因素之间存在一定的联系,前者促成了两者的不同,而后者则是相同或近似的原因。另外,日语论文题目,一些动词性“缩略语”的字序与顺序象似性的联系密切,日语论文,它是两种语言中“缩略语”的字序呈现相同表现形式的认知基础。Based on the Sequential Principle of Iconicity, the orders of clipped words in Japanese Cango and Chinese double-syllable words are investigated. It is found that traditional habits and the impact on Japanese from Chinese language are related to the ordering of clipped words in two languages, among which, the former causes the differences between them, while the latter makes both languages similar, or close, to an extent. In addition, the probing found that Sequential Principle of Iconicity has an explanatory power in the ordering of some verbal clipped words in Japanese, and Sequential Principle of Iconicity is also the cognitive basis of the similarities displayed in the clipped words of both languages.

关 键 词:缩略语 字序 顺序象似性 

分 类 号:H354[语言文字—俄语]
