
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:山本景子[日][1] Yamamoto Keiko (College of Humanities and Communications, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, 201734, China)


出  处:《上海师范学院学报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第6期85-89,共5页Journal of Shanghai NOrmal University

摘  要:诗学”在日本是一个令人困惑的词语和概念。在古代日本,“诗学”专指探讨“汉诗”的学问,到了近代,大量吸收西方文化后的现代日语中,“诗学”作为“poetics”的翻译词而被普遍使用。不过,如果把“诗学”这个概念还用在日本固有的文学理论上,日语论文题目,特别是用在古代日本文献上,就必须先作充分的解释和清晰的定义,日语论文,以防止套用西方概念词语所产生的理解歧义及概念混乱。文章先介绍在日本“诗学”概念的使用情况,然后以最早出现的用日语写的和歌集《古今和歌集》序言为中心,介绍日本诗学的起源与特征。"Poetics" is a very confused word and concept in Japan. In Ancient Japan, "poetics" means studying Chinese poems. Since the modern era, after absorbing Western culture substantially, "poetics", the translated word, has been widely applied in modern Japan. However, when the word "poetics" is applied to the theory of ancient Japanese literature, its definition must be fully and clearly explained in advance. Taking the preface to Kokin Wakashu (A Collection of Classical and Modern Japa- nese Poetry) as an example, the paper gives a brief introduction to the current usage of the concept "poetics" in Japan, and the origin and characteristics of Japanese poetics.

关 键 词:日本诗学 古今和歌集 和歌 

分 类 号:I0-02[文学—文学理论]
