本文对法语熟语和汉语熟语中的身材隐喻停止比较研究,不只从说话的角度,并且从文明方面研究统一人体器官在分歧文明语境中发生的隐喻。统一人体器官在分歧文明语境中的隐喻,有雷同的,有类似的,也有分歧的。希冀经由过程比较研究,找出这些雷同点,类似点和分歧点,和构成这些雷同点,类似点和分歧点的缘由,赞助我们更好地舆解法语文明和汉语文明,进步我们的跨文明沟通才能。本文有七章。第一章援用古往今来的对于隐喻的实际,说明隐喻的文明性。第二章至第七章分离具体比较了法语熟语和汉语熟语中,有关头、五官、内脏、四肢、躯干和毛发的隐喻,提醒这些隐喻在分歧文明语境中的内在。经由过程研究,我们看到说话与文明的关系是如斯亲密,控制一门外语的症结不只在于熟记年夜量辞汇和语律例则,还必需更好地熟悉和懂得这门说话的文明。 Abstract: In this paper the French idioms and Chinese idioms of body metaphor stop comparative study, not only from the talk point of view, and from civilization research unified human organs in cultural differences in the context of occurrence of metaphor. Unity of human organs in different civilizations in the context of metaphor, there are similar, there are similar, there are differences. Hope through comparative study to find out these similarities, similarities and differences, and constitute the these similarities, similarities and differences of the reason, sponsorship we better geography solution of French and Chinese civilization, progress our cross cultural communication to. There are seven chapters in this paper. The first chapter cite practical about metaphor from ancient to modern times, that civilization of metaphor. The second chapter to the seventh chapter separation specific comparison between the French idioms and Chinese idioms, metaphor juncture, five sense organs, internal organs, limbs, trunk, and hair to remind these metaphors in the cultural differences in the context of the inner. Through the research, we see talk and civilization is so close, control the crux of a foreign language is not only to memorize a large number of vocabulary and grammar rules, but also must better to know and are familiar with the language of civilization. 目录: 摘要 2 Résumé 3-4 Remerciements 4-7 Introduction 7-11 Chapitre 1 La métaphore et la culture 11-26 1.1 Qu’est- ce que la métaphore? 11-17 1.2 Mécanisme de la métaphore 17-22 1.3 La métaphore et la culture 22-26 Chapitre 2 Métaphore relative àla tête 26-34 2.1 Métaphore commune 26-30 2.2 Métaphore particulière en chinois 30-31 2.3 Métaphore particulière en fran?ais 31-34 Chapitre 3 Métaphore relative aux organes des cinq sens 34-56 3.1 Oeil ou yeux vs 目, 眼 34-37 3.2 Oreille vs 耳 37-39 3.3 Nez vs 鼻 39-41 3.4 Bouche vs 口ou 嘴 41-52 3.5 Peau vs 皮 52-56 Chapitre 4 Métaphore relative aux viscères 56-68 4.1 Coeur vs 心 57-63 4.2 Foie vs 肝 63-64 4.3 Rate vs 脾 64-65 4.4 Poumon vs 肺 65 4.5 Bile vs 胆 65-66 4.6 Estomac vs 胃 66 4.7 Intestin (tripe, entrailles, boyau) vs 肠 66-68 Chapitre 5 Métaphore relative aux membres 68-83 5.1 Membres supérieurs 68-77 5.2 Membres inférieurs 77-83 Chapitre 6 Métaphore relative au tronc 83-86 6.1 Dos vs 背 83-84 6.2 Ventre vs 腹,肚 84-86 Chapitre 7 Métaphore relative au poil 86-89 7.1 Barbe vs 须 86 7.2 Cheveu vs 发 86-89 Conclusion 89-92 Bibliographie 92-93 |