本文拟从英语立法说话说话特点角度商量汉英立法文本的翻译。文章起首给出了分歧的司法文天职类,如司法文本的说话功效角度分类,司法文本在司法说话学范畴的分类,和司法界对分歧司法文本的分类,并说明了作者选择立法文本作为本文评论辩论体裁的缘由。接着,文章罗列了如功效实际,外交实际,翻译综正当等若干现代翻译实际,并论证了它们对于指点立法文本翻译的缺乏的地方。随后,文章具体评论辩论并总结了英语立法说话的辞汇和句法特点。那就是,在辞汇方面,年夜量的古体词,法语毕业论文,具有法语和拉丁语渊源的词,术语和正式词语年夜量涌现在英语立法说话中;在句法方面,为了强调并包管司法的严正和公平,立法条则都必需服从必定的逻辑次序行文,而且,年夜量的庞杂介词构造,名词化情势,双名词和多名词表示情势年夜量集合在立法条则中。这些特别的说话特点为立法文本翻译供给了措施办法和评判尺度。最初,在经由对峙法文本翻译例文的深刻剖析后,文章提出对于立法文本翻译,应当采用一种树立在目标语立法说话特点基本上,严厉依照目标语立法说话特点停止的直译,以包管立法原文本和目标文本具有雷同司法意义和功效。 Abstract: This paper intends to discuss the translation of Chinese and English legislative texts from the perspective of the characteristics of English speaking. This paper first presents the different judicial text analytics, such as text classification effect speak justice, judicial text in the classification of judicial talk category, and the judiciary, judicial text classification of differences, and that the author chooses the legislative text as the reason of this comment on the genre. Then, the article lists some of the modern translation practice, such as the actual effect of the actual situation, the translation of the translation, and so on. Then, the article reviews and summarizes the debate on specific lexical and syntactic features of English legislative. That is, in the words, a large number of archaic words, of French and Latin origins, terminology and formal words a large number of English words in legislation; in syntax, in order to emphasize and to guarantee the judicial justice and legislation is solemn, must obey the certain logical order, and a large number of complex structure, preposition, nominalization form, double nouns and noun forms a large number of multi set in legislation is in. These special features of the speech are provided for the legislative text translation of the method and the evaluation criteria. First, through the profound analysis method of confrontation text translation example, this paper on the translation of legislative texts, should adopt a set of legislation in the target language speech characteristic basically, in strict accordance with the legislative characteristics of the target language to stop speaking translation, to ensure that the legislation of the source text and target text have the same meaning and function of justice. 目录: Declaration 3-4 Acknowledgement 4-5 Abstract 5 Contents 7-9 Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 9-12 1.1 The English language of law and legal texts 9-10 1.2 The translation of legislative texts 10-12 Chapter Ⅱ Literature review 12-30 2.1 The classification of legal texts 12-19 2.1.1 Introduction 12 2.1.2 Functional classification of legal texts 12-14 2.1.3 Classification of legal texts in linguistic perspective 14-17 2.1.4 Classification of legal texts in legal field 17-18 2.1.5 Summary 18-19 2.2 Current translation studies and its inefficiency for legislative translation 19-24 2.2.1 Introduction 19-20 2.2.2 The current studies on translation 20-22 2.2.3 The inefficiency of current translation studies for legislative translation 22-24 2.2.4 Summary 24 2.3 The linguistic approach to legislative translation 24-30 2.3.1 Introduction 24-25 2.3.2 Legal translation as one branch ofbi-lingual studies in legal linguistics 25-26 2.3.3 A linguistic approach to legislative translation with more cultural concern 26-28 2.3.4 Summary 28-30 Chapter Ⅲ Linguistic features of English legislative language 30-48 3.1 Introduction 30-31 3.2 Lexical features of English legislative language 31-34 3.3 Syntactic features of English legislative language 34-42 3.3.1 The logical structure of legislative provision 34-38 3.3.2 Types of legislative provision and the use of modals 38-39 3.3.3 Other syntactic features of English legislative language 39-42 3.4 Analysis of a section of English legislative text in view of the linguistic features of English legislative language 42-46 3.5 Summary 46-48 Chapter Ⅳ Chinese-English translation of legislative texts in view of the linguistic features of the English legislative language 48-64 4.1 Introduction 48 4.2 The analysis of the translations of two sections of legislative texts in view of the linguistic features of the English legislative language 48-59 4.2.1 Section adapted from one articles of association and the analysis 49-56 4.2.2 Section adapted from the Company Law of PRC and the analysis 56-59 4.3 Summary: principle and techniques for Chinese-English legislative translation 59-64 Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion 64-66 Bibliography 66-68 |