
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


The double object sentence is a very characteristic of the ancient Chinese grammar system, which is one of the lower forms of the verb predicate sentence. In the study of grammar, the double object construction has always been the focus of attention of scholars, and it is a traditional and important topic in the study of Chinese grammar. Overview of grammar to explore the history, we found the discussion about the grammatical scene although the results compared to the rich, but research has in fact not complete perfect traditional performance of double object to discuss more focused only at the syntactic level; to the twentieth century, the eighties, followed by three dimensional grammar the actual composition and growth, research focus gradually shifted to the semantic analysis, but in the performance of the double object sentence, syntactic and semantic stereo together to conduct a comprehensive and systematic research on the is relatively lack. In addition, the double object construction looks simple, but in reality the external result is complex. In the years of research scholars of opinion on it put forward its own indecent and attitude, can be described as there are, at a loss. In this thesis in philosophy research results on the basis of the homemade ancient sages, from the syntactic, semantic and two solid on the double object sentence make meticulous, comprehensive analysis, trying to the description of the composition and structure of the stop a guest indecent, desire for the achievement of research into a thin force offered. This thesis is an important clause method and semantic two dimensional open critical debate. This paper first summarizes the outline of ancient Chinese double object sentences research and points out the research in the different sites. On this basis, the author to collect to ditransitive verbs and they were composed of ancient Chinese double object sentences syntactic features as the starting point, establish and discusses their position and indecent point; syntactic analysis of double object sentences of predicate verb, object, far object and structural relations, and to identify the double object sentences and with it similar patterns. In semantic stereo, the of all kinds of double object verbs stop pointing to the classification and significance of classification, application of valence grammar and case grammar actual of double object sentences and the ingredients stopped comment debate.


中 文 摘 要   3-4   ABSTRACT   4-5   引言   7-9   一、现代汉语双宾语句探讨回顾及探讨中存在的分歧   9-13       (一) 现代汉语双宾语句探讨的历史回顾   9-10       (二) 探讨中存在的分歧与问题   10-13   二、现代汉语双宾语句的句法略论   13-23       (一) 现代汉语双宾语句谓语动词的特点   13-16       (二) 现代汉语双宾语句主语和宾语的句法略论   16-19       (三) 现代汉语双宾语句的句法结构略论   19-20       (四) 现代汉语双宾语句与相似句型的比较   20-23   三、现代汉语双宾语句的语义略论   23-37       (一) 现代汉语双宾动词的意义类型   23-31       (二) 现代汉语双宾动词的配价略论   31-33       (三) 现代汉语双宾语句中名词的语义格略论   33-37   结语   37-38   注释   38-40   参考文献   40-43   附录   43-46   致 谢   46  
