
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:高洪霞[1] Gao Hong-xia;Foreign Languages School of Jilin Normal University;


出  处:《南昌教育大学学报》2017年第12期41共2页Journal of Nanchang College of Education

摘  要: 周作人日本留学时对"儿童学"产生了浓厚的兴趣,当时的日本不论是儿童文学创作还是儿童文学探讨都领先于中国。周作人回国后前十年对日本儿童文学的译介,尤其是发表在《绍兴教育会月刊》上的三篇译文,分别从趣味性、玩具、儿童争斗等方面研讨儿童教育,为其在"五四"时期提出"儿童的文学"奠定了理论基础。Zhou Zuo-ren is in Japan to"child study"had a strong interest, then Japan, regardless of the children's Literature .The creation or children's literature research leading to the Chinese. After Zhou Zuo-ren returned home before ten years of Japanese children literature translation, especially three papers were published in"Shaoxing education magazine", respectively, from the interest of children toys, children fight etc. to discuss children's education, has laid a theoretical foundation to put forward the"children's Literature"during the period of"five four" .

关 键 词:周作人 儿童本位 日本儿童文学翻译 教育 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] I046[文学—文学理论]
