古代汉语中,“年夜”和“小”是一对互为反义的量度描述词。也存在如许一些纰谬称的情形,法语论文题目,好比“你有多年夜”、“年夜海”、“小睡一会”的反义情势就不克不及逐个对应为“你有多小”、“小海”、“年夜睡一会”。以后对于量度描述词“年夜”和“小”的研究缺少具体的体系的句法语义属性剖析,而对于其纰谬称景象的考核也还没有周全过细,形成纰谬称的动因说明多局限在说话外部的语义和说话内部的文明等层面。本文基于后人研究,法语论文范文,测验考试对量度描述词“年夜”和“小”停止体系的句法语义属性剖析,对其纰谬称的景象停止具体描述和进一步的动因说明。第一章为绪论部门。交卸论文的研究规模、论述论文选题的目标及意义,并对后人的研究结果停止了总结,提出了现有研究中有待处理的成绩。第二章剖析了量度描述词“年夜”、“小”的语义特点,并对其语义从根本义和隐喻义角度停止具体的描述,从而得出其完全的空间隐喻门路。第三章对量度描述词“年夜”、“小”的句法功效停止多角度考核。第四章从构词才能、词语搭配、句式散布等角度对量度描述词“年夜”、“小”的纰谬称情形停止具体考核。第五章重要对量度描述词“年夜”、“小”的纰谬称景象从说话体系外部和认知角度两方面作出动因说明。第六章结语扼要总结本文重要不雅点,并解释须要进一步研究的成绩。 Abstract: In ancient Chinese, the "big" and "small" is a measure of the reciprocal of the meaning of the word. There are also some such absurd situations like that, "you have many years of night", "the sea", "take a nap" antisense situation cannot be one by one corresponding to the "you are small" and "small", "big sleep". After a description of measure word "big" and "small" on the lack of specific system of syntactic and semantic properties analysis, and on the wrong said scene has not yet comprehensive assessment is too small, the cause of formation of the absurd that limitations in the external and internal semantic words speak civilization level. In this paper, based on previous research, test to measure to describe the word "big" and "small" stop system of syntactic and semantic properties analysis, the absurd scene said stop specific description and further illustrate the motivation. The first chapter is the introduction section. His thesis research scale, discusses the meaning and purpose of the research, and Research on the latter results were summarized, put forward to handle existing research achievements. In the second chapter, the semantic features of the "big" and "small" of the description word "big" and "small" are analyzed. In the third chapter, the syntactic function of the "big" and "small" in the measurement is stopped. The fourth chapter from the formation, collocation and sentence to spread of measure description words "big" and "small" absurd situation said stop specific assessment. The fifth chapter describes the important measure of the word "big" and "small" absurd scene said from talking to external system and a cognitive perspective to explain two reasons. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this article, and the main points of this paper are summarized, and the results of further research are explained. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第一章 绪论 8-14 1.1 选题意义 8 1.2 探讨近况 8-12 1.2.1 对于量度形容词的探讨 8-9 1.2.2 对于语言不对称现象的探讨 9-11 1.2.3 对于“大”、“小”的个案探讨 11-12 1.3 现有探讨中存在的不足和本文拟解决的问题 12 1.4 解决问题拟采用的理论、措施和语料 12-14 1.4.1 解决问题拟采用的理论、措施 12-13 1.4.2 语料来源 13-14 第二章 量度形容词“大”、“小”的语义特征略论 14-28 2.1 量度形容词“大”、“小”的量性特征 14-17 2.1.1 量的定义 14-15 2.1.2 模糊性特征 15-16 2.1.3 离散性和连续性特征 16-17 2.2 量度形容词“大”、“小”的突显性特征 17-20 2.2.1 突显理论 17-18 2.2.2 “大”、“小”的突显影响 18-20 2.3 量度形容词“大”、“小”的空间隐喻途径 20-26 2.3.1 基本义 20-22 空间概念的认知基础地位 20 空间义 20-22 2.3.2 隐喻义 22-26 隐喻理论 22 “大”、“小”的空间隐喻途径 22-26 2.4 小结 26-28 第三章 量度形容词“大”、“小”的句法属性考察 28-41 3.1 量度形容词“大”、“小”作谓语 28-31 3.1.1 度量格式 28-29 3.1.2 比较格式 29-30 3.1.3 增加修饰成分 30 3.1.4 补充后缀成分 30-31 3.2 量度形容词“大”、“小”作定语 31-33 3.2.1 “大/小/N”的结构特点 31-32 3.2.2 “N”的选择限定 32 3.2.3 “数词/大/小/N” 32-33 3.3 量度形容词“大”、“小”作状语 33-35 3.3.1 “大/小/V”的结构特点 33-34 3.3.2 “V”的选择界定 34-35 3.4 量度形容词“大”、“小”作补语 35-39 3.4.1 “V/大/小”的结构特点 35-37 3.4.2 “V”的选择界定 37-39 3.5 量度形容词“大”、“小”作主语、宾语 39 3.6 小结 39-41 第四章 量度形容词“大”、“小”的不对称略论 41-50 4.1 构词能力的不对称 42-45 4.1.1 反义关系的转变 43-44 4.1.2 反义一方的缺损 44-45 4.2 词语搭配的不对称 45-47 4.2.1 “大/小/名词”的不对称 45-46 4.2.2 “大/小/动词”的不对称 46 4.2.3 “动词/大/小”的不对称 46-47 4.3 在句式中分布的不对称 47-49 4.3.1 在疑问句中的不对称 47 4.3.2 在否定比较句中的不对称 47-48 4.3.3 在其他句式中的不对称 48-49 4.4 小结 49-50 第五章 量度形容词“大”、“小”不对称的动因及认知解释 50-58 5.1 语言系统内部的解释 50-54 5.1.1 语义和谐律的制约 50-52 5.1.2 语义指向的作用 52-53 5.1.3 词语多义发展的演变 53-54 5.2 认知解释 54-57 5.2.1 主观性异同对隐喻中突显影响的作用 54-55 5.2.2 象似性制约和经济准则的共同影响 55-56 5.2.3 理想化认知模式的语用动因 56-57 5.3 小结 57-58 第六章 结语 58-60 参考文献 60-65 致谢 65 |