
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Good control of the similarities and differences between synonyms become a difficult speech exchange study, a main part is we have to face. South Korea and China although belong to the Chinese cultural circle, however, because vocabulary is the intrinsic difference between systems, so how according to different context choice appropriate word, for the foreign language learners in terms of the strange is a very hard work. Korean "(?)", "(?)", "(?)" belong to polysemy, and belongs to all synonyms, occupied more important position. Korean in the three words in the sentence meaning is rich, the usage of variable. The three stop comparing research on Korean learners and Chinese learners will have certain sponsorship. Therefore, this paper to advance research for actual basic and important through the process of semantic comparisons and analyses the 'Korean (?' and '()' and '.' characteristics and their similarities and differences and from the semantic evaluation analysis of the its in Chinese corresponding situation and rules of the moment. The first chapter is an introduction, which explains the purpose and significance of the research, current research, research methods and scale, data selection, etc.. Focus on the existing first discussion to discuss the analysis of the discussion. The second chapter is divided into two departments open, for the first part of the semantic analysis, in accordance with the '()', '()', '()' of order, sequential analysis three words of basic meaning and transferred meaning, and then through the process of analogy comparison research methods that three lexical mutual interphase in common and differences between. The second department from angle of the relation between collocation, in accordance with the '(?) (?)', '()', '()' of order sequentially on three words of habitual collocation characteristic, and then through the process of analogy comparison research methods that three lexical collocation relationship characteristics in common and differences between them. In the third chapter, the content of the second chapter is the basic, from the semantic aspect, according to the comparison of the research methods, the comparison '(?)', '(?)', 'three words in Chinese, the corresponding situation. It is divided into two parts. First of all, this paper describes the correspondence between the three words in the same meaning, and then analyzes the corresponding. The fourth chapter is the conclusion, which summarizes the content of this article, and points out the lack of this paper and the future effort.


摘要   7-8   Abstract   8   目录   9-10   正文   10-64   参考文献   64-66   附录   66-67  
