在外语教授教养范畴,从上世纪六十年月,国外对于进修念头的研究就曾经开端,并遭到很多专家的存眷。最早由加德纳和兰博提出说话进修社会教导念头实际,该实际提出了融会型念头与对象型念头的概念,这一实际作用了以后二十余年的相干实际研究。在此以后,又慢慢涌现了斯金纳的操作性前提反射实际,马斯洛的人本主义心思学,德西和兰恩的自我决议实际等各类念头实际。自八十年月以来,国际也出现一批研究念头的学者,高一虹等学者在本国研究者的实际基本上联合本国国情停止研究,并揭橥了一系列的对于中国年夜先生英语进修念头研究的文章。然则这些对于进修念头的研究,特殊是国际的念头实际研究,根本是针对英语进修念头的研究内容,而对于其他语种的研究简直为零。本文针对英语系先生这一特定群体,法语论文网站,以查询拜访问卷的情势,搜集本院校2008级111逻辑学生对于二外法语进修情形的问卷数据,停止剖析比拟。在问卷查询拜访中,剖析了先生进修的念头类型,并对各类身分对先生的进修兴致,进修立场,进修目的的作用停止了查询拜访,以根本念头实际为基本,联合法语的特别性停止总结,做出以下结论:年夜部门英语系先生同时具有对象型念头、融会型念头、内部念头和外部念头,而个中对象型念头和内部念头对法语进修的作用更年夜。在对象性念头为主的作用下,先生本身,教员,进修情况和教材成为四年夜念头作用身分。基于此查询拜访,联合现有的念头实际,笔者提出了一些改造建议,好比设定适合的希冀值,加年夜文明作用身分,进步先生进修兴致;经由过程增强课外教室扶植,公道调动教室氛围,创立优越的进修气氛;经由过程跟先生树立优越的师生关系,法语论文范文,赞助先生确立三期目的从而进步进修效力;和改良教授教养办法,充足运用多媒体教授教养手腕,增进先生的历久进修等。总之,本文的重要研究目标是经由过程对法语进修念头的研究和查询拜访,愿望能以较稳固的英语进修念头研究为基本,进一步展开小语种的进修念头研究,从而增进国际各语种外语进修更快更好地在各类院校中成长。 Abstract: In the field of foreign language teaching, from the last century, 60 years, foreign research about learning motivation has already started, and was concern of many experts. The earliest by Gardner and Lambert proposed speak to study social teaching motivation, the actual situation, the author puts forward the concept of fusion type thought and object oriented idea, this actually affect the after more than 20 years of relevant theoretical research. After this, and slowly the emergence of Skinner's operant conditional reflex actual, Maslow's humanistic psychology, Desi and Rann of the resolution of self practice all kings of motivation. Since 1980s, international also appeared in a number of research idea of scholars, a rainbow scholars in the domestic research of actual basically joint national conditions research, and enunciated the a series of Chinese college students' English learning idea is the study of the article. However, these thoughts about learning research, especially the idea of theoretical research, there is for English study, the idea of research content, and Research on other languages is almost zero. The for this particular group of English major students, the survey questionnaire of the situation, collect the college class of 2008 111 logic students of French as a second foreign language learning environment questionnaire data, comparative analysis. In questionnaire survey, analyzes the students studying the idea of type, and of all sorts of element of Mr. learning interest, learning attitude, learning to the impact of the investigation, to the fundamental idea theory, combined with French stop to summarize, draw the following conclusions: Nianye sector in English major students also have object type thought, integrating the type idea, internal motivation and external motivation, and medium object oriented idea and inner motivation to study French influence greater. In the object of thought under the influence, Mr. itself, teachers, learning and teaching materials into four big thoughts influencing factor. Based on the investigation, combined with the existing motivation, the author puts forward the proposal of improvement, like set appropriate expectations, and civilization of the eve of the influencing factor, Mr. progress study interest; through the process to enhance extra-curricular classroom construction, reasonable of mobilizing the classroom atmosphere, create excellent learning atmosphere; through the process with Mr. establish excellent relationship between teachers and students, sponsored Mr. established three purpose in order to improve the learning effectiveness; and the improvement of teaching methods, full use of multimedia teaching means, enhance the long-term study of Mr.. In a word, the main purpose of this study is through the process of French learning thought and discussion of the query visit, in hopes to more stable English learning motivation research as the basic to further expand small language learning motivation research, to enhance the international foreign language learning faster and better in various institutions in growth. 目录: |