
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Since twentieth Century 70 years since more and more linguists and sociologists gives great attention to judicial discourse. In recent years, many academic papers more attention to analyze the research of English legislative text in aspects of morphology, syntax and grammar features, and this paper is trying to from a new perspective of functional grammar of English legislative discourses stop fumbling, the actual import discourse analysis of bias. Discourse analysis has gradually become an independent subject in the field of speech since the 50 years of twentieth Century. Traditional grammar, structural grammar and transformational generative grammar are all restricted to the study of the sentence and its components. But if you do not put the sentences and sentence groups or paragraphs and context linked to understand cannot understand the true meaning of. Is more and more scientists are familiar with the speech to learn to study should not be confined to the sentence level, should be tested to describe and understand the text. System function grammar founder Halliday pointed out that the construction of system function grammar one of the goals is to supply a can be used for discourse analysis of the grammatical framework, this framework can be used to analyze English in any language act or oral. For many years, we have proved that the effectiveness of the system is a kind of practical and pragmatic discourse analysis, which is more suitable for the analysis of discourse. The discourse analysis of the functional grammar of the system is called the functional discourse analysis. The peculiar place lies in the author from the effect the syntax of the actual system, to Yuan efficacy and register actually according to, the connection of the special application of Halliday's theory of practice of English legislative text connection means to carry on the meticulous analysis, comprehensive dialysis English discourses the textual mechanism. This paper has a certain practical and theoretical significance in the analysis of the rich text and in the field of judicial writing, judicial translation and the study of legal English. A total of five departments. The introduction section briefly introduces the theme of this article and research background. The first chapter is the literature review, chapeau recall discourse analysis and discourse learning to speak of the growth process and research status, and later separated introduce discourse, discourse, textual mechanism concept and English discourses of the status quo. In the second chapter, the practical framework that effect to speak learn to carry on the elaboration, containing meta practical effect, the actual register, focusing on analysis of Halliday and Hasan actual connection and connection mechanism. In the third chapter, based on the reality of English legislative discourses the textual mechanism to conduct a comprehensive analysis, combined with data statistics and analysis of the way to summarize the English Legislative Features of discourses. The fourth chapter summarizes the full text. Not only summarized some important inventions of this article, but also pointed out some limitations, and put forward some research achievements for further research.

