
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Is based on the concept prototype organization speak, resultative coherence exists many similarities between sentences. In this paper, the analysis of the dynamic junction composed of simple subject predicate sentence, the words and verb sentence in distribution, semantic and deep syntactic and the contact and difference. The purpose of this paper is to study the resultant of these three kinds of sentences with the attribute, and each sentence in a letter that selection and looming, sentence meaning and formation mechanism of difference and contact. The important content of the following 1, to complement the semantic orientations, and the grammatical meaning of the resultant classification according to a detailed examination of the resultative construction in brief the subject predicate sentence and the sentence, the verb in the sentence of the three kinds of sentence spread. 2, in the analysis of the distribution of the three kinds of sentence basically, resultative constructions in the semantic aspects of the contact and difference stop deeply. Through the process of analysis and discussion, this paper concludes that the matching property of these sentences is the conclusion of the meaning. Is the difference between resultative construction of three kinds of sentence word order NVC simple subject predicate sentence of causer is implicit, it expresses is a weak cause righteousness; word order as the cause of the N1VCN2 briefly the subject predicate sentence is highlighted, it is foreseeable in righteousness, and the words of the causer is prominent, it is narrow to righteousness; verb sentence causer is prominent, consisting of all the pathogenic causes the predicate verbs represent movement. It expresses is extraordinary rule in righteousness. 3, according to the generative grammar syntax of, the differences and structure theory, of the three moving resultant of syntactic structure to carry on the analysis, that although the three sentences of surface structure differences. But there is a tree diagram with, the generation mechanism of the conclusion of many similar places. Via the process of resultatives coherent patterns of spread, semantics and syntax analysis and study, this paper in the VRC and coherent sentence structure characteristics and the use of obtained many results, of the resultative and coherent sentences research has made certain contribution for subsequent studies provide a reference.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   目录   6-8   引言   8-15       0.1 动结式的探讨近况和本文拟探讨的问题   8-13           0.1.1 动结式在共时平面上的探讨   8-12           0.1.2 动结式在历时平面上的探讨   12           0.1.3 动结式探讨的不足和本文拟探讨的问题   12-13       0.2 本文的探讨范围   13       0.3 相关说明   13-15   第1章 动结式在几种句式中的分布   15-23       1.1 补语指向述语动词的动结式在相关句式中的分布   15       1.2 补语指向述语宾论元的动结式在相关句式中的分布   15-19           1.2.1 表示多种语法意义的动结式在相关句式中的分布   16-17           1.2.2 表示预期结果实现的动结式在相关句式中的分布   17-18           1.2.3 表示非理想结果出现的动结式在相关句式中的分布   18           1.2.4 表示预期结果偏离的动结式在相关句式中的分布   18-19       1.3 补语指向述语主论元的动结式在相关句式中的分布   19-21           1.3.1 述语谓词为不及物动词的动结式   19-20           1.3.2 述语谓词为及物动词的动结式   20-21       1.4 补语指向述语辅论元的动结式在相关句式中的分布   21-22           1.4.1 述语谓词为及物动词的动结式   21           1.4.2 述语谓词为不及物动词的动结式   21-22       1.5 本章小结   22-23   第2章 动结式及相关句式的语义   23-31       2.1 动结式的语义   23-25       2.2 动结式简单主谓句的句式语义   25-27           2.2.1 语序为NVC的简单主谓句的句式语义   25-26           2.2.2 语序为N1VCN2的简单主谓句的句式语义   26-27       2.3 动结式“把”字句的句式语义   27-28       2.4 动结式重动句的句式语义   28-30       2.5 本章小结   30-31   第3章 动结式各句式的句法   31-40       3.1 简单主谓句的生成机制   32-34       3.2 动结式把字句的生成机制   34-35       3.3 动结式重动句的生成机制   35-40           3.3.1 直接生成假设   35-37           3.3.2 转换生成假设   37-40   结论   40-41   参考文献   41-44  
