2012年4月,法国国会投票经由过程了一部司法,划定纸质图书的增值税由之前的5.5%进步到7%。这部司法的公布在法国激发了一场有关传统书店生计远景的年夜评论辩论。无独有偶,七八十年月在法国图书行业异样掀起过一场社会论争,此次论争环绕能否在法国履行图书同一订价这一议题,终究在1981年8月10日经由过程了同一书价法,而这部司法也被业内子士以为是掩护传统书店生计成长的主要举动。两次论争的绝后水平足以证实法国社会对于传统书店的看重水平,而在推重一日千里的技巧成长和一站式疾速花费体验的明天,传统书店的市场份额逐步被蓬勃成长的年夜型文明超市和网上书店蚕食,其成长远景俨然成为全球热门成绩。本论文从社会论点成绩动身,以法国传统书店和旨在掩护其成长的同一书价法为切入点,经由过程市场营销的SWOT剖析法说明在国度的年夜力支撑下,法语论文,为什么法国传统书店仍处于窘境当中。论文分为三个部门,第一部门具体引见现今法国图书分销门路,个中侧重对传统书店停止分类;第二部门引见同一书价法的由来,进程,内容并剖析其对传统书店的生计成长发生的积极作用;第三部门引入传统书店今朝微弱的市场份额,得出同一书价法的作用无限,法语论文范文,以后经由过程SWOT剖析法侧重剖析其缘由。 Abstract: In April 2012, the French parliament voted through a judicial process, the value of the paper books, the VAT from the previous 5.5% to 7%. The announcement of this justice has sparked a debate about the future of traditional bookstores. Coincidentally, seventy or eighty years there have been a social debate in France the controversy surrounding the book industry is different, can perform this issue with a Book Pricing in France in August 1981 10, after all the same price by the process method, and this is also the Ministry of justice to industry insiders as a major move to protect the traditional bookstore livelihood growth. The two controversy after level enough to prove that the value level of the French Society of traditional bookstores, and skill in growth and stop spending experience quickly in a thousand li a day tomorrow, the traditional bookstore market share is gradually growing large supermarkets and online bookstore civilization at its growth prospects has become the world's hot performance. This paper from the point of social problems, the French traditional bookstores and aims to cover the growth of the same price law as the starting point, through the process of SWOT marketing analysis shows that in the country vigorously support, why the French traditional bookstore is still in dilemma. This paper is divided into three parts, the first sector specific introduction of current French book distribution channels, which focuses on the traditional bookstore classification; second departments on the same origin, price of the process, and analyzes the content of the traditional bookstore livelihood positive influence growth; the third sector into the traditional bookstore at present weak market share effect it is concluded that the same price method is infinite, after through the process of SWOT analysis focuses on the analysis of its causes. 目录: Remerciements 4-5 论文摘要 5 Résumé 6-9 Introduction 9-12 Chapitre I La distribution du livre en France 12-21 1.1 Genres diversifiés des canaux de distribution du livre 12-17 1.1.1 Les librairies en ligne et hors ligne 13 1.1.2 La vente directe 13-14 1.1.3 La vente au détail 14-15 1.1.4 La vente occasionnelle 15-16 1.1.5 Les points de vente à la caractéristique mixe 16-17 1.2 Modèles multiples de la librairie traditionnelle 17-18 1.3 Le r le de la librairie traditionnelle 18-21 Chapitre II L\'état et la librairie traditionnelle 21-41 2.1 Les outils administratifs des autorités 22-23 2.2 La loi Lang et ses objectifs 23-41 2.2.1 La polémique sur le prix du livre 24-26 2.2.2 Les personnages clés de l\'élaboration de la loi Lang 26-28 2.2.3 Le contenu de la Loi Lang du 10 ao t 1981 28-30 2.2.4 L\'évolution du contenu de la loi Lang 30-32 2.2.5 La loi Lang et la librairie traditionnelle 32-36 2.2.6 Les effets de la loi Lang 36-41 Chapitre III L\'environnement complexe concurrentiel 41-63 3.1 La présentation de l\'analyse SWOT 42-44 3.2 Les menaces externes ---Threats 44-59 3.2.1 L’éditeur l’emporte sur le libraire traditionnel sur l’échiquier 44-49 3.2.2 De nouveaux concurrents grignotent les parts de marché 49-55 3.2.3 Le changement des comportements de la clientèle 55-58 3.2.4 Les autres facteurs non négligeables 58-59 3.3 Les faiblesses inhérentes-Weakness 59-63 Conclusion 63-66 Bibliographie 66-68 ANNEXE 1 68-71 ANNEXE 2 71-75 |