18~19世纪是法国农业市场化的症结阶段。法国重农主义对法国农业市场化发生了严重而直接的作用。18世纪中期前的法国农业陷于极重繁重危机,其重要本源在于重商主义政策的管束和挤压;中世纪传统农业轨制与天然灾祸等使得农业加倍萧条。容身法国国情,法语毕业论文,布阿吉尔贝尔、魁奈、杜尔阁接踵提出和论证了“以农为本”、“以农立国”思惟,并依此为据说明了法国解脱农业危机的“兴农强国”之路,包含保证地盘一切者产权,实施年夜农运营措施;以市场为焦点,包管农产物低价;确保农产物在国际与国际市场的自在运转;当局增强司法与轨制扶植,运用税收等市场对象治理和调控市场,法语论文,完成资本的公道设置装备摆设。重农主义者提倡的农业市场化思惟,作用和增进了法国18世纪前期~19世纪的农业市场化过程。这对现代成长中国度推动本国农业市场化和完成农业古代化有主要启发。 Abstract: 18 ~ nineteenth Century is the key stage of the French agricultural market. The French physiocracy had serious influence and direct to the French agricultural market. Before the mid 18th century French agriculture caught in heavy crisis, the important origin is mercantilist policies of the bundle and extrusion; medieval tradition agricultural rail system and natural disasters such as the agricultural double depression. Shelter conditions in France, Buajierbeier is, Quesnay, Turgot in succession is proposed and demonstrated the "agriculture", "agricultural vertical thinking", and accordingly according to illustrate the French free agricultural crisis of "agriculture country, the containment is ensuring that all the land property rights, implementation of the eve of the agricultural operation method, the market focus, ensure agricultural product low; ensure agricultural products in domestic and international market free operation; authorities to strengthen the judicial and rail construction of, the application of tax and other market governance and regulation of market, capital of justice set equipment, furnishings. The physiocrats advocated agriculture marketization thought, influence and promote the France early in the 18th century to the 19th century agriculture marketization process. This is the main inspiration for the modern development of China to promote domestic agricultural market and the completion of agricultural modernization. 目录: 中文摘要 5-6 Abstracts 6 引言 8-13 一 探讨近况 8-10 二 探讨的主题和愈义 10-11 三 探讨措施和文章框架 11 四 取得的成果和创新点 11-13 第一章 背景与问题:18世纪中期以前法国农业危机及原因 13-20 第一节 18世纪中期以前法国的农业危机 13-16 第二节 18世纪中期以前农业危机的原因 16-20 第二章 农业市场化:重农主义的兴农强国之路 20-32 第一节 重农主义的产生与发展及其特征 20-22 第二节 市场化:兴农强国之路 22-28 第三节 重农主义:法国农业市场化变革的思想根源 28-32 第三章 18世纪后期~19世纪法国农业市场化 32-47 第一节 土地产权的变革 32-34 第二节 大农业经营方式的转变 34-38 第三节 农业资本的投入 38-40 第四节 自由贸易和农产品高价 40-44 第五节 政府管理职能 44-47 第四章 启示和结论: 重农、以市场化兴农与农业现代化 47-52 第一节 法国农业市场化的启示 47-50 第二节 结语:以市场化促进现代化 50-52 参考文献 52-55 致谢 55-56 作者简历 56 |