本文包含五章。第一章引见作者选择该主题的缘由,回想了相干实际和研究中应用的办法。从第二章到第四章是文章的主体部门,文章经由过程剖析相干报导的篇数、篇幅,世界报触及到的中国情况成绩品种和报导中的话语,以答复以下一些成绩为何在分歧时代法国主流印刷媒体对中国情况成绩有分歧着重点的报导?为何法国媒体选择了个中一些中国情况成绩而不是别的一些情况成绩?在这些报导中,中国情况成绩是如何展示出来的?法国印刷媒体借助了哪些话语?第五章结论部门提出,法语论文网站,法语论文,法国媒体从本身的立场、经历和记忆动身,用话语建构并强化着一个分歧于中国情况成绩自己的图景,并借此完成对西方/东方身份的认证。 Abstract: This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter introduces the reason why the author chooses this topic, and the way to apply it in the practice and the research. From the second chapter to the fourth chapter is the main body of the Department, the article through analysis of coherent report the number, length, "world news" touched China grades varieties and reported in the discourse and to answer some of the following results why age differences in French mainstream print media of China results disagree with reports focused? Why did the French media choose some of China's achievements and not some other achievements? In these reports, the Chinese situation is how to show? What are the words of the French print media? Proposed in the fifth chapter, the conclusion, the French media from their position, experiences and memories start, with discourse construction and strengthening a divergence in China their scores of picture, and thereby completing the West / East identity authentication. 目录: 封面 1-2 |