
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:类型学是新兴且迅速发展的语言学分支。在跨语言的比较探讨模式下,类型学的观察视角有利于从不同语言的相异的模式与功能类型方面把握人类语言的整体并发掘出其中的普遍性。并列连词“和/and/et”可在语法意义、语法功能、连接功能等方面进行类型学范畴的对应探讨,并发现其在使用频率及范围等方面的差异。由类型学的角度对应略论并列连词汉英法语中的不同情形,法语论文题目,有助于揭示不同语言的特点,探究不同语言特有的思维方式并提炼出其中的普遍性,促进语言习得。Typology is a newly conducted but rapidly developed branch of linguistics. It is involved in the study of comparative linguistic patterns across languages and helps to aim at the universal characteristics of human languages in terms of different patterns and functional approaches. The coordinate conjunctions of 和/and/et vary in frequency and scope of being used and are subject to be viewed in correspondence with linguistic typology. The research also serves to understand the universal characteristics of languages by inter-linguistic comparison and to enhance language acquisition.
