
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:外语学习不应该是纸上谈兵,或曰不仅仅是关于语言技能的学习,那么语言文化背景的学习无疑就成为其中的主要学习因素之一。在学习第二外法语时,法语论文范文法语论文,教师将其文化因素在教学当中点滴渗透,既使学生对法语学习的理解应用有很大帮助,也可以在提高学生学习兴趣的同时,对所学各方面相关知识有更进一步的了解与掌握。 Abstract: To learn a foreign language is not to be an armchair strategist or to merely master its linguistic skills, thus, to learn its cultural background is no doubt one of the main learning factors. In learning FSFL, the teacher's infiltrating the cultural factors bit by bit into the teaching can help students better understand and use French, also, it enables them to further understand and mas-ter all the related knowledge along with their interests being raised.To learn a foreign language is not to be an armchair strategist or to merely master its linguistic skills, thus, to learn its cultural background is no doubt one of the main learning factors. In learning FSFL, the teacher's infiltrating the cultural factors bit by bit into the teaching can help students better understand and use French, also, it enables them to further understand and mas-ter all the related knowledge along with their interests being raised.
