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资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:介词法语复合名词中可以是词汇介词,有实在的意义,作离心结构复合词[P N]的内中心语,或向心结构复合词[P N]的名词中心语的修饰语;也可以是功能介词,只有语法意义,没有词汇意义,作为作语素间的关系连接词,赋予复合词[VR+x P N]n和[N1P N2]n的右边名词语素补语身份。The preposition in French compound nouns can be lexical preposition or functional preposition. The lexical preposition, which has full meaning, plays the role of head internal in exocentric compounds [ P N] N or modifier of the head in endocentric compounds [ P N] N. And the functional preposition, which has grammatical meaning, not lexical meaning, can legitimize the complement in compound nouns [VR + x P N] n and [ N1P N2]n.
