俄语取效行为探讨 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

言语行为理论是语用学最重要的理论之一。然而该理论中的取效行为始终是探讨的薄弱环节,长期以来未得到应有的重视,探讨成果尚不多见。 本文追溯了言语行为理论的思想渊源,回顾了该理论产生和发展的历程,总结了相关探讨的成果和取得的成绩,并对言语行为理论从正反两个方面进行了反思。鉴于人们对取效行为的不同理解,以取效行为的主体、取效行为与实际效果的关系这两个根本问题为基础,对取效行为进行了深入略论,明确了其内涵。概括和总结了俄语取效行为的表达手段:核心表达手段为取效行为动词和取效施为句,边缘表达手段为祈使感叹词和第二人称命令式。对每种表达手段进行了初步分类,并研讨了其使用条件。 对取效行为进行理论上的研讨,有助于加深对言语行为理论的理解,而对俄语取效行为表达手段的探讨,则有助于俄语学习者正确理解这一语言现象,准确表达思想,以获得交际成功。

Speech act theory is one of the most important pragmatic theories. However, the research of the perlocutionary act theory is still very weak, which has not been given the full weight it deserved for a long period, and the results are very limited. The thesis traced the ideological origins of speech act theory, reviewed the theory and its development, summed up the research results and achievements, and examined this theory from both positive and negative aspects. In view of the various interpretations o...
