俄汉全译之增译探讨 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

语言异同是导致翻译无法对等转换的根源。增译作为全译措施之一,是根据原语内在逻辑关系、语言文字特点、修辞手段的需要,将隐含或省略的语言单位在译语中突显出来,旨在求得译文与原文极似,避免译文带有“翻译腔”。 增译措施较之于其他翻译措施较为隐蔽,一直以来人们对其理解过于狭隘,仅停留在增词的层面。本文梳理了与增译相关的称名,重新界定其内涵,即译者在译语语表增加若干语言单位,以使译语表达更接近原语的语里意义,实现其语用价在值,再现其创作风格;构建了增译体系,从音位增译到小句增译,全面略论各级翻译单位;从文化异同和思维异同维度做理论略论,为说明增译措施在翻译实践中的必要性提供理据。

The different of languages is the ultimate reason of making translation exchange in equity. Additing translation is one method of full translation, by which we can show the elliptical language based on the original logical relation, language features and rhetorical skills in order to make the meaning of the translation and the original similar and avoid the $apos;$translation accent$apos;$. Additing translation is more obscure than other translation method. People get the point of it unilaterally for a long time, a...
