俄语政论演说的话语模式及其汉译规律 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

话语略论是当今语言学探讨的热点之一。各国语言学家对话语及话语略论有着不同的理解与阐释。本文在回顾国内外话语探讨的历史及近况的基础上,对话语的界定及话语略论的探讨任务进行略论阐释,并尝试将话语略论理论运用到翻译中,把话语作为翻译的基本单位。 本文以政论演说为探讨对象,以普京的政论演说为语料,从语体归属、词汇语法、句式、修辞手段四个方面略论了政论演说的语言特点。随后应用话语略论的探讨措施,对政论演说的话语结构模式进行略论探讨,总结出其具有的言语礼节模式、开篇模式、结尾模式和正文模式。文章最后通过实例略论,研讨略论了政论演说的翻译规律

Discourse analysis is a hot issue in the field of linguistics research. Linguists in different countries have their different understandings and explanations about discourse analysis. In this article, the author examined the history of discourse analysis research in China and other countries, and based on that, the author discussed the definition of discourse and the purpose of discourse analysis research. After that, the author tried to apply the theory of discourse analysis into translation, and use the d...
