
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The operation method is a kind of complex verbs have a lexical semantic features, semantic features of these notes is how to stop the action in time. The traditional learning method and action verbs verb field close. Compare action verb meaning and field dominant recessive expression obtained, belongs to implicit grammatical category. The basic difference with the verb action method body not in semantics, but they belong to different levels. The same kind of action verbs in word formation, and the relationship between the syntactic collocation and has characteristics with the effect. Act as a method of speech verb lexical meaning has restricted meaning to not neglect the verb, action resolution correspondence and non correspondence of the verb to a large extent. The semantic and syntactic semantic close, to a great extent on the resolution of grammar. Verb semantic grammar field contains boundary and non bounded linear action of continuity and non continuity, static and static, homogeneity and heterogeneity, controllability and cannot control etc.. Has the most significant influence effect of Chinese grammar and non bounded linear bounded linear of verb, the semantic field can be regarded as the general vocabulary and grammar is generally between a general edge. Cognitive linguistics thought, speech is the product and object of human cognitive movement, with its structure and function should also be counted as a result and reaction of ordinary human cognitive movement. "Cognitive picture" is the concept of the world to contact various internal and external world familiar with. As one of the areas of action speak expression meaning time, touch the "cognitive map and external time". A similar type of action division method to action in a long time and external assignment as the basic. The action method reflects the human cognitive map. Any a verb derived or non derivative, at least belong to an action method. Action verbs' semantic features is usually (but not necessarily) is the formation of the wrist to the performance. The expression of the meaning of the verb action is not attached to form specialized systems, which is also one of the difference between it and the body of the field. Most probably the kind of action not is the sign on the form, belongs to the action system in different types of word formation method. It is characteristic of system system, all levels of speech characteristic. Russian bear prefix consists of a verb in the derivative. There are some examples of action word meaning of each verb prefix. The verb action methods and word formation types don't close the situation said on a staggered, odd characteristic is very significant. The action method belongs to a free and open system, it is a free movement of thought achievements. Is a sign of action method has no fixed system, nor does it constitute lexical polymer. The difference between the method of action is not stable, there is no complete and clear boundaries. Don't sometimes carve a method of action can be further divided into smaller, these kind of don't also known as the method of action. Action from all can be classified as two of the eve of the boundary line and non bounded linear action method, the difference in performance between the two in the correspondence between verbs and non bounded linear action verbs as long as unfinished situation, and boundary line of action verbs corresponding to the two kinds of the body or as long as the completion of the situation.

