
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The lack of information about the word is a touch the scene of lexical and syntactic level, on lack of information of research not only helps in lexical meanings of the research, is also very useful in the study of syntax structure and the syntax and semantics and the research value on such a special talk scene should not be underestimated. Because the ancient learning to speak research continuously grow and improve, special is the syntax and the syntax and semantics of ceaseless development and improve, on lack of information of research is especially important and extraordinary significance. Due to the lack of information word recognize and study the profound, not only in our analysis and interpretation of syntactic approached, syntactic structure and semantic structure of sentences, but also can deepen the glossary significance of the structure and mechanism of familiar. At the same time, in the process of learning and the lack of information in the process of research, the author also invented the semantic lack of this grammatical phenomenon. Based on the previous scholars on definition and research lack of semantic word, the writer finds that lack of semantic words and information lack of word that two of the eve of the concept has a certain difference in the level of at the same time, also has many similar places, so I decided to will the two concepts put a stop comparative study. Due to the two coordinate research, not only can each other internally generated and compared their similarities and differences, also can deepen our about lack of information and lack of semantic word know and are familiar with, doubling the which we study in detail and deep double. The important information from the lack of words and semantic lack of words defined start, in the first chapter of this paper, firstly the author discusses the two concept definition and history, and speak to date scientists (of course, because I can talk the infinite, this paper involved the linguists to still Russian and Chinese linguists) research results and the stop must be summarized and summed up. In the second chapter, the author of the information lack of words and semantic meaning of the word is important to stop the spread of a certain example of the word. The author thought that the lack of information important words spread of parts of speech are nouns, verbs, numerals and adjectives and lack of semantic word spread the word important famous word, verb and pronoun. On the base of this, the author has also made a comparative study on the part of speech that they spread. In the third chapter, the author of information lack of words and semantic lack of word classification of the study and comment on the debate, in homemade scholars of the research results and the existing knowledge reserve, the classification of them defined. In this chapter, according to both the application situation of the differences, lack of information words for adhesion of information lack of words and non adhesive information lack of words, the lack of semantic words attributed to with a lack of word semantic valence compensation for semantic and contextual semantic compensation and the level of the semantic compensation. In the first chapter, the author also puts forward the phenomenon that there is a lack of information in Russian as a foreign language.

