
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Along with the development of science and information exchange skills improve, plain near family and ethnic, culture and culture between the contact increasingly frequent, country, cultural groups, and even individuals are eagerly feeling infection to the "cross cultural diplomacy". The so-called cross-cultural foreign refers to the diplomacy between native speakers and non-native speakers, also refers to between the different language and cultural background of human and people through the process of a civilization symbol to speak to stop foreign. So it can be known that speaking is the main object of the cross civilization diplomacy. In the process of cross cultural diplomacy, we must first ensure that the application of speech is correct, at the same time, we should consider the appropriateness and appropriateness of speech. Diplomacy on both sides in different cultural background under, life, the value of indecent and moral standard are not the same, is to, in the exchange process should pay attention to and respect each other's culture, customs, beliefs, etc., choose the accurate and appropriate vocabulary and exchange, prevent not to misunderstanding, ensure the exchange smooth. Ambiguity is an inherent phenomenon of human speech, but it often causes misunderstanding and conflict among the diplomatic intervention in the cross cultural diplomacy. It is a major achievement in the process of cross cultural diplomacy, with the phenomenon of multi meanings. How to choose the most accurate meaning from the vast meaning of the original text, with the words of different words to express the meaning of the wording, is the main factor in the resolution of cross cultural diplomacy victory or not. In this paper, the significance and application of the study of the phenomenon of Russian ambiguous words in the Sino - Russian cross - cultural diplomacy from the cross - cultural diplomacy and the. The study of the phenomenon of "the phenomenon of the ambiguous words in the cross cultural diplomacy". This paper includes the introduction, comments, and the conclusion of the three major departments. Notes is composed of three chapters: the first chapter discussed the cross cultural diplomacy with the basic problems that contain cross cultural diplomacy the fundamental meaning, characteristics, classification, lists also cross the rare translation of cultural diplomacy in hard and treatment of wrist. The second chapter focuses on the phenomenon of Russian ambiguous words. Comprehensive domestic and foreign scholars indecent point, summarizes the definition of polysemy, explain the reason of polysemy, and a variety of polysemous words in Russian classification, to the application in discrimination of polysemous words in Russian all the meanings of a, select the precise meaning. Chapter three important will polysemous words in Russian scene and Russian homonym scene, Russian shaped nearly word scene, and remind the polysemous words in Russian landscape characteristics, and points out that the polysemous words in Russian in the course of cross-cultural foreign application will bring obstacles, and summarized the methods to solve the problem. Through the process of chapter three discussion papers drawn the following conclusions: 1) cross cultural diplomacy is now the world's a inevitable trend; 2) cross cultural diplomatic victory can not accomplish without accurate translation; 3) to choose exactly the meaning of polysemous words in Russian ability makes an exact translation, and the cross cultural diplomacy can be successful; 4) study of polysemous words in Russian scene is in the process of translation and foreign will put less link. Are studied in this paper. The goal lies in the comprehensive study of polysemy phenomenon, summarize the application of polysemy of the key and difficult achievement, find the way to solve the problem, the sponsorship deal met in translation, hard, the cross cultural diplomacy can be successfully completed. The innovation lies in the speech exchange scene and speak practical application of combined, no longer blindly study Russian speaking speech source sink scene, practical, characteristic classification, but really the glossary study used in cross cultural diplomacy in the process.

