
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

German famous speaking scientist Humboldt thought that "each kind of speech includes a strange world". Speaking of the people of the common people to the real world. Every nation's speech is a mirror of the civilization of the nation. Idiom unit (phi *) as a unit of civilized significance in every culture occupy an important position in the side. Idiom unit is the crystallization of the human life experience and smart, not only inherited the traditional civilization and teach people how to adapt to the continuously changing world. So far, the research on the world view of the idiom unit in the world is the most interesting subject. In Russia, the Chinese civilization, "friendship" as a broad concept of civilization. In Russian, there are a lot of performance between people friendship between vocabulary, such as betel, and,, are,,,, E Ji has, for the author. Kappa Liapunov - allus souffl, but in the Chinese have no such discrimination, which allows us to immediately recognize the Russian Chinese culture? Friendship? There is a difference of. This paper aims to study the characteristics of the concept of friendship and civilization in Russian idiom unit, to remind the two kinds of people to talk about the similarities and differences of friendship, and this is the reason for choosing the topic. This thesis is a study on the tendency of the theory of the thesis. In our paper, the friendship is not the object of the study of the philosophy of social scientists, but the basic unit of the concept of the concept of speaking civilization. In this paper, the concept of friendship civilization has stopped the description of speaking civilization. From the friendship of the etymological meaning start, a description of the friendship is known as "external situation" "original meaning" dictionary send righteousness, and synonyms and modifiers to send righteousness, and describes its application in traditional plain near the inter text, idioms, proverbs, saying fixed speaking unit. The practical significance of this paper is that 1) with the idiom unit to study the ancient Chinese language learning to talk about the world of the world, the description of the world has a long academic interest; 2), friendship, and the cultural analysis of the main; 3. The new idea of this paper is that the first test is based on the traditional text of the Russian and Chinese people. This is a cultural concept, which reminds the concept of this concept in the Russian speaking civilization. The research object of this paper is the concept of friendship civilization, and the idiom unit which includes friendship relationship. The object of this research is friendship concept of civilization to scale, collocation relations, characteristics, etymology and from the perspective of Chinese language observations to the speech characteristics of civilization. The practical significance of this paper is to discuss the concept of friendship in philosophy and social category, which is often emerged in the field of philosophy and society. The theoretical significance of this paper is that the conclusion of this paper can be used to describe the concept of friendship civilization in Russia and Chinese speaking. This paper can be used as a reference material for the study of the Russian language and the teaching of the teaching material. We know the concept of friendship in Russia, the Chinese language of the characteristics of the language can also be applied to the teaching of cross civilization. According to the characteristics of this article, the purpose and the obligation of the paper are selected. In this paper, the concept of the concept of analysis, the description method and the comparative study of civilization, and other methods. The research object of this paper is to discuss the concept of friendship and civilization of the Chinese language from the perspective of the Chinese language. The structure of this paper is composed of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and references. Preface relinquished this article selected topic reason, actual and academic innovation, the research goal and the duty, the actual and theoretical significance, research material, and a brief introduction to the structure. The first chapter is a practical analysis on the concept of civilization, introduced the concept of civilization of the definition and study idiom unit friendship concept of civilization. The concept of civilization consists of the perceptual judgments and comments, and the common life concepts that have been shown in any of the words. The concept of civilization is the basic core of human understanding of the world, it is not just the human perceptual thinking process, and the reaction of a kind of human perception. The concept analysis method is a fundamental method to describe the world of the world. Concept analysis the differences in semantic analysis, semantic analysis aims at a detailed analysis of the meaning of. To speak to the concept of unit analysis at request indicates its etymology and original meaning, discusses the concept of the word dictionary meaning, synonym and modifiers. The choice of idiom unit as the analysis object of this paper is by no means sometimes. Idiom unit is the most extensive, lively and concise and abstract bright fixed phrases, rich deep ethnic civilization and national masses civilization thought within. In particular, proverbs, proverbs are generally spread in the plain between near and through action passed up, most of the rest of the national theory of career experience, including emotional evaluation of human action. Usually contains the most direct suggestion and advice, telling people what to do, is useless for us to listen to the sound of the wise. The second chapter is divided into two paratelum. Chapter of this chapter

