摘要 4-6 Abstract 6-7 Introduction 10-13 1. Background of the Study 10-11 2. Purpose and Significance of the Study 11-12 3. Organization of the Thesis 12-13 Chapter One Literature Review 13-21 1.1 Metacognition Theory 13-16 1.1.1 Definition of Metacognition 13-15 1.1.2 Multiple Facets of Metacognition 15-16 1.2 Foreign Language Anxiety Theory 16-19 1.2.1 Definition and Classification of Foreign Language Anxiety 17-18 1.2.2 Definition and Researches on Communication Anxiety Abroad and Home 18-19 1.3 Researches on the Relationship between Metacognitive Intervention and Anxiety 19-21 Chapter Two Methodology 21-28 2.1 Metacognitive Intervention Course of SWPU 21-23 2.2 Research Questions 23 2.3 Subjects of the Study 23-24 2.4 Instruments of the Research 24-26 2.4.1 Quantitative Instruments 24-25 2.4.2 Qualitative Instruments 25-26 2.5 Data Collection and Analysis 26-28 2.5.1 Data Collection and Analysis for Questionnaires 26 2.5.2 Data Collection and Analysis for Interview and Diary 26-28 Chapter Three Findings and Disscussions 28-58 3.1 Quantitative Research into Communication Anxiety 28-38 3.1.1 Descriptive Results of Communication Anxiety Pre-test 28-33 3.1.2 Descriptive Results of Communication Anxiety Post-test 33-36 3.1.3 Comparison of Communication Anxiety between Pre-test and Post-test 36-38 3.1.4 Answers to Communication Anxiety 38 3.2 Quantitative Research into Metacognition 38-50 3.2.1 Descriptive Results of Pre-test Metacognition 39-44 3.2.2 Descriptive Results of Metacognition Post-test 44-49 3.2.3 Comparison of Metacognition between Pre-test and Post-test 49-50 3.2.4 Answers to Metacognition 50 3.3 Quantitative Research into the Correlation between Communication Anxiety and Metacognition 50-51 3.4 Discussion of the Quantitative Results 51-52 3.5 Qualitative Results 52-57 3.5.1 Learning Diaries 52-54 3.5.2 Interview 54-56 3.5.3 Discussion of Qualitative Results 56-57 3.6 Summary 57-58 Conclusion 58-62 1. Major Findings 58-59 2. Implications 59-60 3. Limitations and Recommendations 60-62 Acknowledgements 62-63 Bibliography 63-68 Appendix Ⅰ 68-70 Appendix Ⅱ 70-72 Appendix Ⅲ 72-73 Appendix Ⅳ 73-70 Appendix Ⅱ 70-72 Appendix Ⅲ 72-73 Appendix Ⅳ 73 |