
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



In order to deepen the teaching reform, to create a good basic teaching staff, the country in 2017 to implement the policy of teacher education fees. In July 2017, the first charge teach normal students on the basic teachings of booth, they exhibit strengths is teach the victory, and the existence of defects, it is college education need improvement in the premises. Through of Southwest Normal University in 2017 Russian professional charges teach normal students' teaching skills of analysis and research, the invention of them in the classroom teaching of regulation study attention to lack, and later we grew taught courses, trying to change this situation. Through three years of study and targeted exercises, 2017 Russian professional fees to teach the students can progress to control the ability to learn to pay attention to? For this purpose, we follow them into classroom practice, field observational research, trying to in this give customer indecent, accurate evaluation. In 2001 and 2003 countries have announced the full-time responsibility to teach Russian curriculum standards "and" ordinary high school language curriculum standards "(hereinafter referred to as the" new curriculum standard "), the Russian basic teachings to reach the teaching aim, contents of the scale, the implementation of the suggestions are proposed that request. This is the evaluation of 2017 Russian professional fees to teach normal students classroom teaching can supply the scale. International teacher guidance, psychology and foreign language teaching method for the actual evaluation of these factions is divided according to the dimensions of supply. In the actual according to basically, this paper through the classroom not Yacha method, questionnaire query visits and interviews of these empirical research methods, the author tries to obtain real data, thus objectively Analysis 2017 Russian professional charges teaching regulation of normal students learning attention to, and according to the research conclusions, the author brings forward makes suggestions. In this paper, in addition to the introduction and the conclusion is divided into into six chapters: the first chapter, select and analyze the five before and after the reform and opening up, representative of foreign scholars and the new China was founded by international scholars research results, the research provides support for the. In the second chapter, we analyze the request of the new curriculum standard for teachers to control the ability of learning and learning, in order to evaluate the level of the normal university students' supply scale for the 2017 level of Russian professional fees. The third chapter analyzes the theory of psychology and foreign language teaching methods, and then defines the relevant concepts of this thesis. The fourth chapter, according to the results of literature research, integration to teaching and learning, psychological science and foreign language teaching method of coherent, learn attention strategies from five aspects discusses the classroom teaching faculty useful regulation. The fifth chapter, discusses the research methods and design; analysis of classroom observations table data, classroom recording transcripts, query visit questionnaire and interview record. The sixth chapter, based on the comprehensive analysis of the data, this paper concludes the research, and puts forward to make recommendations.

