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The three intervention also Liao after a period of time, the different classes in China once to tsarist Russia to favour, the tsarist Russia as as a benefactor, pro Russian thought flourished. In this kind of thought to dear Russian authorities, clear joint Russian policy in china. This kind of joint Russian policy is "thinking of the play off one power against another application". After the signing of Sino Russian secret treaty and the brigade of the eve of the lease contract ", China began to watch the many people of insight to Russia's evil intentions, this sector includes a number of patriotic intellectuals, also contains some of the governors of the eve of the member. They began to slowly abandon before the pro Russian thinking, beginning to happen to the idea of a sparse russia. Although this time Qing authorities Pro Russian, Russian thought still accounted for comparative advantage, and this kind of trend in Qing authorities of Russian communication is still really matter effect. This era is the Qing authorities the policy of alliance with the Soviet Union into practice stage, Russia is precisely by Qing authorities eager to contact Russian on the idea, the violations of the tentacles of China. So, this kind of alliance with Russia the Qing authorities thought undoubtedly played a role invite wolves into the house. In the second half of 1900, Russia's invasion of China's southwest, to China's cessation of the bare armed violations, occupy. This has caused a fierce rejection of all classes in the country. China National fully recognize the tsarist Russia's invasion of ambition and hatred of Russia thought national agitation, in the hatred of the advance of the Russian Thought under, in the nationwide set off a high-profile anti Russia movement. This period because Russia violated the despicable and no shelter incur enemies of the Chinese Russian emotion has the characteristics of universality and broad, namely China this time not only the elite of Russia's aggression against China have personally understand, popular and peoples also spontaneously attend to anti Russian ranks to. Qing government sideways and there is a growing body of officials recognize the tsarist Russia's invasion essence, their diverse Shu Qing authorities requested authorities refused Russia about, declined to tsarist Russia's invasion of request. They also clear authorities joint Russian foreign policy to stop the scourge, and the Qing authorities in Russia to stop blaming dear. This time period set off the general anti Russia activities of the Chinese nation consciousness representation and marking. Because of the tsarist Russia violated not only threat to China's sovereignty and benefits and seriously hurt the other powers in China violate the rights, so other powers also diverse blame Russia and through all sorts of methods of the Qing government pressure, request the Qing authorities refused the Russian about. Is precisely at home and abroad all kings of resisting Russia and Russian thought to promote hatred under, the Qing authorities also voluntarily on the previous stage policy towards Russia stopped some relief, after all, is not allowed to request Russia's invasion, and looming occur sparsely in Russia and the idea and began to walk couplet day in Russia and the communicative approach. After the outbreak of fighting the Russo Japanese, Chinese Russia indecent has a new change. This time, a patriotic intellectual hand to continue the previous stage of the anti Russia, Russian revenge thoughts. At the same time to stop Russia deep analysis, they on the Russian dictatorship system deeply expose and criticize. They think Russia and Japan the reality of combat is autocracy and constitutionalism rivalry, and that Russia's authoritarian system is the basic reason of tsarist Russia lost the battle. At this time the Qing ruling class also has a lot of people agree with this point of view, these people become constitutionalists. So in the whole country set off a constitutional trend of thought. The Qing authorities can not adapt to the outside, at least from this trend, the implementation of constitutional suit ready to declare. This time wide patriotic intellectuals also from Russia was defeated by the reality in Japan that yellow and not generate inferior to Miaoer conclusion, and of the so-called "Yellow Peril" stop the criticism. From the overall perspective, from Sino Japanese in the day of battle to the ten years of the Russo Japanese War, China Russia indecent divided into two, a is generous patriotic intellectuals as the representatives of the opposition faction of tsarist Russia indecent, school is indecent ruling Qing ruling class of tsarist Russia. Is this time China's national anti imperialist a microcosm of understanding and their Russian indecent important surround salvation from the theme of open wide patriotic intellectuals of the Russian indecent. Their this kind of tsarist Russia in the meantime the common circulating, have played a role in the thinking of the enlightenment, but also in a certain level to resist invasion of Russia. Qing ruling class of tsarist Russia as a whole in negative situations and their invasion of Russia's lack of should be familiar, resulting in Russian communication everywhere in a passive position, under the arrangement of the Russian indecent, destined to the Russian communication must be attributed to failure. 目录: |