摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 晚清时代是向近代社会过渡的时代,不管是半殖平易近地半封建的社会性质照样新社会思惟潮水,都是近代本钱主义国度在血雨腥风顶用坚船利炮翻开清代闭关年夜门的同时,俄语论文范文,带给晚清社会的变更。自夸“物产丰盈,无所不有”的晚清士年夜夫开端熟悉世界,接收东方先辈思惟,从朝廷年夜臣到处所督抚、官商名流、常识份子,洋务思潮,维新思潮等各类社会思潮接踵睁开。俄国在晚清时代中国人的世界熟悉中占领主要位置。从清代初年开端,俄国已成为中国的邻国,赓续侵扰中国北部界限,晚清时代更是割占中国年夜片国土,俄语论文题目,但也是以形成了两国之间比拟特别的关系。19世纪中前期中国人的俄国不雅最后以常识份子和史地学家在地舆上对于俄国扩大野心作出剖析,防俄成为社会广泛不雅点。跟着世界情势的幻化,列强之间的分化组合使得晚清的合纵联横交际占领主要位置,联俄的提出既逢迎了朝廷亲俄派的主意,也与在当下国际情势下,晚清追求友邦的希冀符合。而维新派康梁思惟中的师俄不雅则是维新思潮的详细内容之一。可以说,19世纪中前期中国人的俄国不雅,既是在新的社会思潮下,又是在庞杂国际情势下涌现的,如许的熟悉有着浓重的时期性和过渡性。 Abstract: Era of the late Qing Dynasty to the era of modern social transition, regardless of the nature of semi colonial and semi feudal society, still new social thoughts tide, modern capitalist countries in bloody with gunboats opened Qing retreat of the eve of the door at the same time, bring the society of the late Qing Dynasty change. Boast "abundance and omniscient" in the late Qing Dynasty scholar doctors start familiar with the world, receiving the eastern ancestors thought, from the eve of the court officials everywhere governors and officials and celebrities, intellectual, the Westernization trend of thought, the reform trend of thought and all kinds of social ideological trend in succession open. Russia occupied the main position in the Chinese people's world in the late Qing dynasty. From the early years of Qing Dynasty, the beginning, Russia has become China's neighbors, ceaselessly to invade and harass China northern boundary, in the late Qing Dynasty is cut for China to the eve of the land, but is formed between the two countries compared to the special relationship. In nineteenth Century, the Chinese people of Russia in the last to the common sense and the history of the scientists in the geography on the expansion of Russia's ambition to make an analysis, to become a wide range of social. Follow the illusion of the world situation, the differentiation and combination between the great powers makes during the late Qing Dynasty, the vertical couplet is horizontal communication occupy an important position, contact Russia proposes both cater to the court Pro Russian faction of the idea, and in the current international situation, in the late Qing Dynasty in pursuit of AIA hope compliance. And the reform of the idea of the reform of the Russian and Russian is the reform trend of thought of one of the details. It can be said that in nineteenth Century the Chinese people of Russia is not elegant, both in the new social trends, but also in the complex under the international situation, such as the familiar has a strong period and transitional. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 目录 7-8 绪论 8-11 一、 选题意义 8 二、 探讨近况 8-9 三、 主要问题与探讨思路 9-11 第一章 19 世纪中期的防俄论 11-23 一、 近代思潮下的防俄论背景 11-13 二、 早期士人的防俄意识 13-16 三、 防俄论形成 16-23 第二章 甲午战争前后的联俄构想 23-38 一、 联俄构想生成的背景 23-24 二、 李鸿章主导的联俄尝试 24-27 三、 官僚士人关于联俄的态度 27-31 四、 报刊舆论关于联俄的态度 31-38 第三章 戊戌维新时期的师俄观 38-43 一、 变局思潮下的师俄观 38-39 二、 康有为《俄彼得变政记》的师俄主张 39-42 三、 舆论关于师俄的支持 42-43 结语 43-44 参考文献 44-46 致谢 46-47 攻读学位期间取得的科研成果 47 |