摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 在近代史研究中,中国西南作为一块特别的地区,一向被它的邻人俄国和日本窥测,两者不谋而合地将中国西南视为向世界扩大的跳板,近代晚期在中国西南占尽优势的沙皇俄国,为了将其完全归入本身疆土,更是以“黄俄罗斯”筹划为焦点,睁开了一系列蛮横无耻地驯服行为,本文愿望经由过程对“黄俄罗斯”筹划这一特别政策配景、经由、和作用的描写,俄语论文范文,从而进一步熟悉其时中国西南驯服与抗争的汗青。本文分为四个部门,起首,阐释了沙皇俄国驯服世界的标尺“远东政策”。其次,从分歧的阶级和世界局面的变更剖析“黄俄罗斯”筹划提出的配景。再次,以沙皇俄国的军事占据步调为线索研究“黄俄罗斯”筹划实行的进程。最初,从各方力气的综协影响和日俄战斗迸发的角度剖析“黄俄罗斯”筹划破产缘由,和它的破产给中国西南带来的作用。 Abstract: In the modern Chinese history studies, Southwest China as a special area, has always been its neighbor Russia and Japan Spy, both coincide with will in Southwest China as to the world to expand the springboard, the late modern times in Southwest China to take the advantage of tsarist Russia, in order to be completely included in the territory is to "yellow Russia" planning focus, opened a series of outrageous shameless to tame behavior, hope this article describes the process of "yellow Russia" planning this special policy background, through and through, thus further familiar with the history of the southwest China tame and struggle at the time. This paper is divided into four departments, first, the Russian to conquer the world of the Russian ruler to conquer the world, the Far East policy". Secondly, from the differences of the class and the world situation of change analysis of "yellow Russia" plan proposed by the king. Again, with the Russian military occupy the steps of the Russian as a clue to discuss the process of the implementation of the Yellow Russia plan. Initially, from all the strength of the comprehensive cooperation and the Russo Japanese war burst angle analysis "yellow Russia" planning reasons of bankruptcy, and its bankruptcy to southwest China bring influence. 目录: 内容提要 4-6 导论 6-8 第1章 沙俄的“远东政策” 8-12 1.1 远东政策的提出 8-10 1.2 远东政策的核心 10-12 第2章 “黄俄罗斯”计划提出的背景 12-18 2.1 沙俄各阶层长久的夙愿 12-15 2.1.1 尼古拉二世,俄语专业论文,利欲熏心的年轻皇帝 12-13 2.1.2 谢尔盖.维特,标榜“和平”的野心家 13-14 2.1.3 陆军军事集团,用武力换取权利的军人 14-15 2.2 三国干涉还辽和中东铁路的修筑 15-18 第3章 “黄俄罗斯”计划的实施 18-29 3.1 对中国东北实施军事占领 18-20 3.2 强迫清廷签署让渡东北权益的条约 20-25 3.3 沙俄对占有东北政策进行的调整 25-29 第4章 “黄俄罗斯”计划的破产 29-36 4.1 三股力量的反抗 29-34 4.2 日俄战争 34-36 结语 36-37 注释 37-40 参考文献 40-42 后记 42-43 论文摘要 43-45 Abstract 45-47 |