摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 勃洛克的戏剧创作代表了俄国意味主义戏剧的艺术巅峰,是欧洲意味主义戏剧的主要构成部门。戏剧是勃洛克创作至为主要的文体,勃洛克付与其走向生涯的感化。研究勃洛克的戏剧有助于深入懂得其美学思惟和艺术系统。本论文测验考试以欧洲和俄国意味主义戏剧为配景,俄语论文题目,俄语论文,深刻考核勃洛克的戏剧创作,从戏剧途径、戏剧思惟、戏剧人物、戏剧特点等方面临勃洛克戏剧停止综合研究,以期促进国际学界对俄国意味主义戏剧甚至俄罗斯戏剧的懂得。论文由绪论、注释、结语、参考文献四部门构成。绪论部门回想了勃洛克及其戏剧在俄中两国的研究汗青与现状,论述了论文的选题意义、义务、研究办法及立异的地方。注释分为五章。第一章归纳综合了意味主义戏剧的重要实际,对欧洲主要的意味主义戏剧家代表停止了评析,为勃洛克戏剧研究供给了一个微观的视角。第二章梳理了俄国意味主义戏剧成长的过程,考核了勃洛克的戏剧途径,以为勃洛克的戏剧创作在俄国意味主义戏剧中造诣最高,是剧作家自己创作文体的延长和创作思惟的总结。第三章总结了俄国意味主义戏剧的根本实际和不雅点,深刻发掘了勃洛克意味主义思惟的起源;以勃洛克对同时期戏剧的评论为基本,归结论述了他的戏剧不雅念,指出勃洛克认同意味主义戏剧的“生涯再造不雅”,但是对其完成措施有着本身奇特的看法。第四章略论了勃洛克戏剧中的主要人物抽象,包含永久女性抽象、自觉力抽象、永久的探访者和将来的新人等,说明了他们在勃洛克戏剧及其美学思惟中的意义。第五章阐述了勃洛克意味主义戏剧的艺术立异。勃洛克在意味主义戏剧中表示了喜剧性这一时期精力,他成长了抒怀诗剧这一文体,带动了广场戏剧身分在20世纪俄罗斯戏剧中的苏醒。结语部门对全文停止了归结总结,指清楚明了往后的研究偏向。 Abstract: Blok's drama creation represents the artistic peak of Russian symbolism, and it is the main component of the European theater. Drama is a very important block creation style, and its influence to pay Blok career. Study of Blok's dramatic helps to understand the aesthetic thought and artistic system. This paper try to European and Russian symbolism drama as the background, profound assessment of Blok's dramatic creation, drama, drama, thinking from the way of dramatic characters, features and other aspects of the drama drama comprehensive research into, in order to promote international academic circles in Russia that understand even Russian drama drama. This paper is composed of four parts: introduction, notes, conclusion and references. The history and current situation of the research department of the drama and recall Blok in both countries, this thesis discusses the significance of the topic, research methods and innovation, duty place. The comment is divided into five chapters. The first chapter summarizes the important practical meaning of drama, the main means of representing the European dramatist stop, provides a micro perspective to study drama blok. The second chapter analyzes the Russian symbolism drama in the process of growing up, assessment of the way the Blok's drama, drama that Blok in Russia that drama in the highest attainments, is his creation style and extend the playwright creative thinking summary. The third chapter summarizes the basic principle and the actual meaning of Russian drama ideas, explore the profound ideology of the origin of Blok means to the same period; Blok plays as the basic, attributed discusses his drama concept, pointed out that the "identity of Blok drama career reengineering indecent", but the complete a unique view. The fourth chapter analyzes the main characters in Blok's plays include permanent abstraction, abstract, abstract, conscious women force permanent visitors and a new future, illustrating their drama and aesthetic thoughts in Blok significance. The fifth chapter expounds the symbolism drama innovation blok. Blok said the energy of this period of comedy in symbolism drama, he grew Shuhuai drama this style, led to the square in twentieth Century Russian drama drama identity in the awakening. The conclusion part of the paper is to summarize the whole paper, and the research is clear and concise. 目录: 致谢 5-6 中文摘要 6-7 英文摘要 7-8 绪论 11-19 第一章 欧洲象征主义戏剧概说 19-32 1.1 象征主义戏剧总体阐述 19-23 1.2 欧洲象征主义戏剧家评述 23-30 本章小结 30-32 第二章 勃洛克的戏剧之路 32-53 2.1 俄国象征主义戏剧述略 32-44 2.2 勃洛克的戏剧历程 44-52 2.2.1 早期对戏剧的迷恋 45-46 2.2.2 中期与戏剧联姻 46-49 2.2.3 后期紧张的戏剧活动 49-52 本章小结 52-53 第三章 勃洛克的戏剧思想 53-79 3.1 俄国象征主义戏剧的理论探究 53-55 3.2 勃洛克的戏剧观 55-77 3.2.1 勃洛克象征主义思想探源 55-65 3.2.2 勃洛克的戏剧批评 65-77 本章小结 77-79 第四章 勃洛克戏剧人物的象征意蕴 79-104 4.1 永恒女性的投影 79-84 4.2 自发力的化身 84-90 4.3 永恒的探析者 90-95 4.4 未来的“艺术家式的人” 95-102 本章小结 102-104 第五章 勃洛克戏剧的艺术创新 104-126 5.1 时代精神与个体存在的交集 104-108 5.2 散文与诗的结合:独特的抒情诗剧 108-119 5.3 广场戏剧元素的复活 119-125 本章小结 125-126 结语 126-128 参考文献 128-135 附录 勃洛克戏剧演出情况(1906-2017) 135-138 |