摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 屠格涅夫是十九世纪俄国主要的实际主义小说家。他的诸多著作活着界文坛占领侧重要位置,在俄国文学汗青上有着弗成磨灭的作用。他的年夜部门小说都反响俄国社会实际,批评农奴轨制。他最早接收了西欧文学的精髓,是其时俄国文坛里受欧洲文学作用最年夜的小说家。受东方浪漫主义和卢梭“回归天然”标语的作用,屠格涅夫小说在反响实际的基本上带有浓重的浪漫主义颜色。他对俄罗斯天然及乡乡俗情的描述是其诸多著作中的一年夜亮点。小说《木木》是屠格涅夫中短篇小说里主要的代表著作之一。这篇小说具有光鲜的平易近间故事叙事作风,俄语毕业论文,而恰是这一作风使这篇经典作品具有了奇特的审美韵律。这篇小说批评了封建农奴轨制对人道的压制,反应了作者对独裁暴戾的讨厌,并提出了对国民对抗农奴制的号令。著作中反应了俄罗斯城市文明与乡村文明的伟大差别。与此同时,小说融入了年夜量的平易近间创作元素,灵巧运用平易近间创作的手段,这一点在小说中多有表现,例如人物抽象设定,俄语论文,平易近间说话的运用,故事的全体构造等等,少了年夜部著作的华美,多了平易近间创作的朴实天然。而著作对俄罗斯田园风景的描述也是这一部小说的重要着墨点。在这里屠格涅夫对俄罗斯天然景物的描述是美好的也是使人向往的。作者在这里暗示了本身对阔别城市文明,走向村庄走向田园,心灵向天然回归的愿望与神往。 Abstract: Turgenev was the main practical novelist in Russia in nineteenth Century. Many of his works focus on the literary world to occupy a position in the history of Russian literature cannot erase the influence. Most of his novels reflect the fact that the Russian society is practical and critical of the system of the system of the slaves. He first received the essence of Western European literature, is the most influenced by European literature in the Russian literary world. Influenced by Oriental romanticism and Rousseau's "return to nature", Turgenev "s novels have a strong romantic color in response to the fact. He described Russia's natural and local conditions is one of the many works in a big bright spot. The novel "wood wood" is one of the main representative works in Turgenev's short stories. This novel has distinctive folk narrative style, this is just a style which has the classic aesthetic rhythm peculiar. This novel criticism of the feudal serf system of humanity, the reflection of the author for authoritarian violent hate, and put forward the countermeasure to the national command of serfdom. The great difference between the Russian urban civilization and the civilization of the country. At the same time, the novel integrated into the eve of the amount of creative elements, smart application of the means, which in the novel in many performance, such as the character of the abstract setting, the application of the people, the story of the whole structure, and so on, less than the eve of the work of the United States, more than plain natural. The important point of inking works described Russian pastoral landscape is also a novel. Here Turgenev's description of the natural scenery of Russia is beautiful and desirable. The author here suggests itself to be away from the city to the village to rural civilization, the desire to return to natural, heart and longing. 目录: 摘要 5 Резюме 6-7 Содержание 7-9 Глава 1 Введение 9-15 1.1 Фонисследования 9-11 1.2 Обзорыисследованиявстранеизарубежом 11-14 1.3 Цельизначимостьисследования 14-15 1.4 Методисследования 15 1.5 Акцентисследования 15 Глава 2 СпецификисозданияТургеневаврассказах 15-21 2.1 ВоздействиеРуссонатворчествоТургенева 16-18 2.2 ВажнаярольописаниярусскойприродыврассказахТургенева 18-21 Глава 3 Элементынародноготворчества 21-32 3.1 Простойсказочныйсюжет 22-23 3.2 Скрытыесмыслырассказаи 23-25 3.3 СимволическоезначениегерояхвМуму 25-31 3.4 Главныйгерой --образбогатыряврусскомсказании 31-32 Глава 4 НатуральнаянаклонностьТургеневав“Муму” 32-36 4.1 Воздействиеевропейскойфилософскоймысли-назадкприродена тургеневу 32-34 4.2 Герасим ---невольный“гость”вгородскуюкультуру 34-35 4.3 Возвращениедушикприроде 35-36 Глава 5 Заключение 36-38 Библиография: 38-40 在校期间的探讨成果及的论文 40-41 Благодарность 41 |