
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Turgenev was the main practical novelist in Russia in nineteenth Century. Many of his works focus on the literary world to occupy a position in the history of Russian literature cannot erase the influence. Most of his novels reflect the fact that the Russian society is practical and critical of the system of the system of the slaves. He first received the essence of Western European literature, is the most influenced by European literature in the Russian literary world. Influenced by Oriental romanticism and Rousseau's "return to nature", Turgenev "s novels have a strong romantic color in response to the fact. He described Russia's natural and local conditions is one of the many works in a big bright spot. The novel "wood wood" is one of the main representative works in Turgenev's short stories. This novel has distinctive folk narrative style, this is just a style which has the classic aesthetic rhythm peculiar. This novel criticism of the feudal serf system of humanity, the reflection of the author for authoritarian violent hate, and put forward the countermeasure to the national command of serfdom. The great difference between the Russian urban civilization and the civilization of the country. At the same time, the novel integrated into the eve of the amount of creative elements, smart application of the means, which in the novel in many performance, such as the character of the abstract setting, the application of the people, the story of the whole structure, and so on, less than the eve of the work of the United States, more than plain natural. The important point of inking works described Russian pastoral landscape is also a novel. Here Turgenev's description of the natural scenery of Russia is beautiful and desirable. The author here suggests itself to be away from the city to the village to rural civilization, the desire to return to natural, heart and longing.


摘要   5   Резюме   6-7   Содержание   7-9   Глава 1 Введение   9-15       1.1 Фонисследования   9-11       1.2 Обзорыисследованиявстранеизарубежом   11-14       1.3 Цельизначимостьисследования   14-15       1.4 Методисследования   15       1.5 Акцентисследования   15   Глава 2 СпецификисозданияТургеневаврассказах   15-21       2.1 ВоздействиеРуссонатворчествоТургенева   16-18       2.2 ВажнаярольописаниярусскойприродыврассказахТургенева   18-21   Глава 3 Элементынародноготворчества   21-32       3.1 Простойсказочныйсюжет   22-23       3.2 Скрытыесмыслырассказаи   23-25       3.3 СимволическоезначениегерояхвМуму   25-31       3.4 Главныйгерой --образбогатыряврусскомсказании   31-32   Глава 4 НатуральнаянаклонностьТургеневав“Муму”   32-36       4.1 Воздействиеевропейскойфилософскоймысли-назадкприродена тургеневу   32-34       4.2 Герасим ---невольный“гость”вгородскуюкультуру   34-35       4.3 Возвращениедушикприроде   35-36   Глава 5 Заключение   36-38   Библиография:   38-40   在校期间的探讨成果及的论文   40-41   Благодарность   41  
