
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Tchaikovsky is a beacon of Russian music, people when it comes to the second half of the nineteenth Century Russian music, in addition to several strong Nianye division group ", in their minds occupied the main position when the number of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. His music has long been known across the Russian border and the world is well known all over the world. His symphonies, chamber music, concertos and other works became a music stage classical repertoire, and the opera, as a beautiful melody, lyric beauty and comedy beauty aesthetic charm, I shook some audience's mind. "Evgeny Onegin", "the queen of spades" is Pushkin the best music drama performance art. The three act seven opera "the queen of spades" is the most representative example of criticism of realism opera. It successfully built in late nineteenth Century Russian aristocracy youth "surplus people" the model abstraction, remind people who decline during the Russian underworld career outlook and noble spirit. "The queen of spades" and "Evgeny Onegin" not only with the milepost type opera masterpiece, and is following the Glinka Russian opera music history of the growth of the main mark. The opera plot is a stage and artistic creation in the original novels, such as the arrangement of the plot, the abstract, the drama and the drama. In the compose of arias and portray the psychological reality and explore the character heart hidden corners, describing a complex real life situation. How Fogleman said that have nothing to do, cynical character? Tchaikovsky on Pushkin's original understand, through the process of opera structure, melody, rhythm, orchestration and other wrist made strange induction. This paper tries to "the queen of spades" as an example of Tchaikovsky's music style and creation means a more profound analysis and discussion, and the first few important Arias for example to elaborate, mining can be created from the creative experience.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   绪论   9-12   第一章 普希金的笔下的《黑桃皇后》   12-20       第一节 19世纪早期俄国社会思潮和普希金的小说创作   12-15       第二节 从《叶普盖尼·奥涅金》到《黑桃皇后》   15-17       第三节 格尔曼其人其事   17-18       第四节 普希金的语言特征   18-20   第二章 柴可夫斯基歌剧的俄罗斯民族文化特征   20-25       第一节 柴可夫斯基歌剧的民族特性   20-22       第二节 《黑桃皇后》的抒情风格   22-25   第三章 歌剧中主要人物的音乐形象   25-34       第一节 《黑桃皇后》中的人物关系和结构布局   25-28       第二节 主要人物的音乐语言   28-30       第三节 声乐与乐队的织体音色处理   30-34   第四章 歌剧中主要唱段的略论演绎   34-49       第一节 格尔曼的主要唱段   34-38       第二节 丽莎的唱段   38-42       第三节 歌剧中的二重唱   42-49   结语   49-51   参考文献   51-53   致谢   53  
