摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 几百年来,随同着钢琴艺术的成长随之发生了有数的钢琴艺术家,他们遍及世界的各个角落,在剧院里的舞台上、黉舍里的讲台上以各类各样的情势流传着对音乐和艺术的热忱。十九世纪中前期俄国社会经济政治局势产生了较年夜变更,1812年的卫国战斗和以后的十二月党人活动,俄语论文题目,使俄国社会、文明和思惟阅历了一次浸礼,随后颠覆了封建的农奴轨制,同时随同着欧洲平易近族主义提高思惟的流传,俄罗斯钢琴艺术家们创作思想从浪漫主义主意的音乐性情延长至带有平易近族性颜色的创作主意,出于这一时代的“强力团体”、柴科夫斯基等作曲家以此为契机创作出年夜量平易近族钢琴著作,他们是以被称为俄罗斯钢琴艺术的平易近族乐派。在对俄罗斯平易近族乐派钢琴著作的进修弹奏进程中,这些著作并不是纯真的技能就可以展示出来,本文从这些著作创作的社会汗青文明配景、创风格格和内在表达等多元角度动身,俄语论文网站,以“强力团体”和柴科夫斯基的部门代表钢琴著作为例抛开吹奏技能从创作角度深条理解析著作中包含的平易近族文明、平易近族情感和作曲家小我情绪等身分,全方位掌握分歧作曲家的创作思想,以此映照出在对同类钢琴著作的进修和弹奏时精确地掌握著作内在。 Abstract: For hundreds of years, accompanied by the growth of piano art changed several piano artists, they all over every corner of the world, podium on the theater stage, the school in a variety of forms circulating enthusiasm for music and art. In early nineteenth Century the Russian social economic and political situation has a big change in 1812 and December after fighting Patriotic Party activities, the Russian society, civilization and thought has experienced a baptism, then subvert the system of feudal serfdom, accompanied by European nationalism to improve the thinking of the spread, the Russian Piano artist their creation ideas from the romantic idea of music temperament extended to people of color with creative ideas, for this era of "powerful group", Tchaikovsky and other composers as an opportunity to create a large number of national piano works, they are to be called plain Russian piano art folk music. Of Russian folk music piano works of further play in the process. These works is not pure skills can display, this paper from these works of social and historical civilization with king, a wind Princess and the inherent expression and multi angle set out, with "strong team" and Tchaikovsky authority on behalf of the piano works, for example despite playing skills are included from the angle of creation deep hiberarchy analytical work of the plain near family civilization, plain near family emotion and composer ego emotion identity, full range master differences of the composer's creative thinking. This reflects that of similar works for piano learning and playing accurately grasp the inner. 目录: 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 第1章 绪论 10-12 1.1 本探讨课题的学术背景、探讨近况和意义 10 1.2 本探讨课题主要内容和目的 10 1.3 探讨措施和预期成果 10-12 第2章 俄罗斯民族乐派概述 12-18 2.1 俄罗斯民族乐派形成 12-14 2.2 各种艺术形式的思想交织 14-15 2.3 思想文化根源 15-16 2.4 民族民间题材的广泛应用 16-18 第3章 俄罗斯民族乐派钢琴著作特性剖析 18-43 3.1 “强力集团”代表钢琴著作略论 18-30 3.1.1 “强力集团”成员及钢琴著作介绍 18-21 3.1.2 民族民间文化的体现 21-25 3.1.3 现实性的创作准则和标题、旋律的形象性 25-30 3.2 柴科夫斯基代表钢琴著作略论 30-39 3.2.1 柴科夫斯基和他的钢琴著作 30-31 3.2.2 时代精神和民族民间文化在钢琴著作中的渗透 31-34 3.2.3 抒情性、戏剧性在钢琴著作中的体现 34-39 3.3 由钢琴著作看“强力集团”与柴科夫斯基音乐的差异 39-43 3.3.1 相同之处--立足民族文化发展民族音乐事业 40 3.3.2 不同之处-—艺术思想和题材内容 40-41 3.3.3 不同之处--艺术风格和表达方式 41-43 第4章 俄罗斯民族乐派的发展对中国钢琴事业的启示 43-52 4.1 俄罗斯民族乐派的地位和对中国钢琴艺术创作的作用 43-45 4.2 中国钢琴著作中的民族元素 45 4.3 民族钢琴著作创作风格的相似性和民族性格的体现 45-48 4.4 中国钢琴著作中的特殊音色与韵味 48-50 4.5 国际化形势下中国钢琴艺术民族道路的思考 50-52 结论 52-53 致谢 53-54 参考文献 54-57 攻读学位期间的论文 57 |