
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Pushkin is the sun of Russian poetry, Russian stranger and stranger Russia on his research shall was quite deep, and also to the various growth, but on Pushkin and the Dionysian spirit is rarely touched, which can be said is discussion of a weak link. The Dionysian spirit for shelter, of Pushkin's later works analysis, explore contained in the medium depth of Dionysus warmly. From the two aspects of hedonism and self reflection energy to consider Pushkin's Dionysian spirit. Hedonism is an old proposition of Dionysian spirit, including happy and rerelling spirit. The disposition hobby drinking and revelling characteristics in the three aspects of Pushkin's late poems reveal, and poets of emotional lively singing and drama obsession said. Hedonistic in Pushkin sprout, the reason of which is that the poet of noble birth and Russian peoples to alcohol close to nature. If hedonism is diluted Dionysus energy, so energy is refining the Dionysian introspection of energy. Reflection energy is his own poetry binary features in the. On the other hand from Dionysus and Pushkin himself wise. It means that Pushkin's life is a kind of awakening to the familiar life is long, so we need to have a good grasp of. Although in Pushkin's later work in this kind of thinking is not fully formed, more is wandering off Cuo, however many and Dionysian coherent poem has the self check bias. Pushkin's this kind of bias is due to the individual awareness of the tragedy of consciousness, the poet explicitly the Dionysian spirit of the truth of life is a comedy, and we will be orderly played down. Don't lose to the comedy of the beautiful and happy. According to Nietzsche's Dionysian spirit, influence on poetry and poets are direct, but deadly. Obviously, this kind of energy automatic or active and obvious or recessive interference in Pushkin's creation.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   绪论   8-14       普希金探讨的近况   8-9       选题意义及探讨措施   9       选题意义   9-10       探讨措施   10-14   第一章 普希金早期酒神题材诗歌中的享乐主义   14-28       1.1 享乐主义的由来   14-17           1.1.1 快乐主义   14-16           1.1.2 狂欢精神--“狂”与“醉”   16-17       1.2 享乐主义的表现   17-24           1.2.1 “我喜欢黄昏的宴饮”   18-19           1.2.2 “我心里满是你的倩影”   19-22           1.2.3 “让人着魔的地方”   22-24       1.3 享乐主义的成因   24-28           1.3.1 “我非常珍视我祖先的名誉”   25-26           1.3.2 不可一日无此君   26-28   第二章 普希金早期酒神题材诗歌中的自省精神   28-35       2.1 自省精神的由来   28-31           2.1.1 诗歌的二元性   28-30           2.1.2 狄俄尼索斯的理智   30-31       2.2 自省精神的表现   31-33       2.3 自省精神的成因   33-35   结语   35-36   注释   36-38   参考文献   38-40   致谢   40-41   攻读学位期间论文目录   41  
