
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The object of this assessment is affected, the Chinese novelist Scott of Europe and the United States, focus on Scott's influence on the history of the novel, an important time in nineteenth Century, but the section expanded to the beginning of twentieth Century. The thesis is composed of preface, main body and conclusion of three most constructed. The introduction part briefly account of the Scott "s historical novels creation and to the growth of the European and American novels mainly contribution to introduce the international research on Scott Lengji status, explains the research object of this thesis. Main part consists of four chapters, important research Scott to France, Russia, the United States and Europe and other countries novels especially the influence of historical novels, and the latter on Scott "s historical novels in the form of growth and innovation. Influence of France took the lead by Scott, Scott's historical novel by Balzac ethos evolved into a social research, under Hugo's pen is growing as the ethical history novel. Russia followed, Pushkin's the captain's daughter "in the art of Scott perfect basically expresses the unique Russian ethnic style, Tolstoy's the battle and war worthy for a set Nianye the. The United States is also unwilling to fall behind, Scott not only affects the "American Walter Scott Cooper, and he advanced the historical development of indecent and racism also affected before and after many southern beauty international war novelist. In Poland and Italy, Scott's historical novels's fierce ethnic awareness and local ethnic bound thinking combined on the two national historical novels have certain influence. Through the above research conclusion: Scott "s historical novels, as have been enunciated the first text", there is a blank and the undetermined, it in the hands of the vastness of the successor to be fruitful and later successor in receiving his influence basically and the innovation and literary gallery is to become rich and colorful. The conclusion part explains the skill not to place, the future supply of Scott research another potential bias.


中文摘要   3-4   英文摘要   4   引言   6-7   第一章 司各特对法国历史小说的作用   7-15       第一节 《威弗莱》对《舒昂党人》的作用   9-12       第二节 《昆廷·杜沃德》与《巴黎圣母院》之比较   12-15   第二章 司各特对俄国历史小说的作用   15-24       第一节 《上尉的女儿》所受司各特作用及创新   17-20       第二节 《战争与和平》—历史小说的巅峰   20-24   第三章 司各特对美国小说的作用   24-32       第一节 司各特与“美国的司各特”之比较   25-29       第二节 司各特对美国南部小说的作用   29-32   第四章 司各特对欧美其他国家历史小说的作用   32-37       第一节 司各特对显克维奇历史小说的作用   32-35       第二节 司各特对孟佐尼与乔万尼奥里的作用   35-37   结语   37-39   主要参考文献   39-41  
