
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Bernard Malamud (1914-1986) is the most outstanding modern American Jewish writers. He is in the works with individual special cases to have extensive reaction characteristic content. His works are in the world on the growth and assimilation of hard popular jews. "Complaint of Kiev" (1966) is thought to be Malamud's most excellent novel, made in the 1967 National Book Award and the Pulitzer prize. The novel tells the story of a poor repair Borjakov Bowker was framed for religious reasons for the murder of a Christian boy, in prison is ceaseless and all kinds of suffering, torture and unfair for the struggle of the process. Previous studies of the eve of the save of characters in the Kiev resentment, attention to Jewish, suffering, growth energy, prototype and history. However, this paper attempts to discuss the novel in the disciplinary right of the operation mechanism and tsarist Russia under the rule of people in Foucault's power theory angle of view, especially the protagonist Jaco husband of disciplinary right against. Foucault thought that the discipline right is a kind of special right skills, to pass a series of discipline and discipline mechanism to complete the right wrist of a party to the other party of the master. However, where there is right, there is confrontation. In fact, the right discipline is not omnipotent, it is destined to suffer all kinds of confrontation. Through the analysis of the process of the Kiev indignation in Russia's disciplinary skills and his own people, the disciplinary right against, the author invented the tsarist Russia in the novel is a prison disciplinary society. In the disciplinary society, the right to reform and omnipresent people, to make them as "". However, the characters in the novel did not succumb to this kind of complete discipline, but by all kinds of methods to stop a fight. In the novel the dilemma of Yakov not only is the Russian Jewish dilemma, but also the majority of other ethnic groups in the world. This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the author Malamud and his novels, "complaint of Kiev" and the descendants of the "Kiev indignation" research, and points out that the framework presented in this paper. The second chapter focuses on Foucault's right, is equal to the actual framework of this article. In brief the Foucault right after the indecent, to discipline skills, "circular prison, prison and actual confrontation on the rights of the specific instructions to stop. In the third chapter, analysis of the level of supervision, the standard of judgment and review the three disciplinary techniques in the novel of Russia is how to implement in order to stop people from the "standard" and maintaining social order. In the analysis, the actual "circular prison and prison will cross the right. In the Kiev indignation ", people have been limited in a ubiquitous supervision and writing collection, any deviate or violate the standards of justice and the action cities by sanctions. The fourth chapter is to discuss important Yakov to Russia against the right to stop all kinds of discipline. With a rough energy from Russia in violation of public law, Yakov lived in a Jewish ban in place. After he was arrested, in fact not succumb to the Russian government's various discipline but by various methods and the confused situation and threat of dirty fighting and eventually achieved the consciousness and spiritual growth. Among them, the discourse is an important method against him. Also the paper also briefly describes the confrontation in his novels, the others on the disciplinary right, and demonstrates the disciplinary right of tsarist Russia in fact is not omnipotent, it was confrontation from various aspects. The fifth chapter of the full text are summarized. It is pointed out that in the Kiev indignation, Russia is a everywhere permeated with rights and against the prison disciplinary society. The novel Mara Maude expressed deep concern for the career in full rights in ancient society people's livelihood dilemma.

