
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

近代东方考核家与布道士入藏考核和布道运动一向以来是近古代史、藏学研究中的热门,个中所触及到的安多部门占领很年夜的比重,但是历久以来受各种身分作用,相干成绩一向未能获得体系梳理和深刻研究。本文研究对象为19世纪中叶俄国考核家普尔热瓦斯基入藏考核到20世纪中叶这一时问段的东方考核运动及考核文献,俄语论文网站,分上、下两篇。上篇为考核史部门,用五章的篇幅回想了东方人在安多考核的支撑机构、考核念头、考核进程和考核结果,重要对俄国、欧美等重要考核国度的主要考核运动停止了梳理,对一些欧美考核人物如柔克义(W。 W。 Rockhill)、洛克(J。 F。 Rock)、埃克瓦尔(R。 B。 Ekvall)和美国布道差会边疆会(C。I。M。)、宣道会(C。M。A。)和神召会(A。G。)的考核人物及运动停止了重点引见。下篇为考核文献研究,共分八章。起首用一章的篇幅商量了东方文献中涌现的“安多”一词的地舆和文明内在,联合汉藏文献从汗青文献学的角度对“安多”地舆概念发生的配景停止了商量,同时对东方考核时期的安多社会汗青情况停止了全体归结,依据东方人考核特色将考核文献分为地区考核和城镇寺院二年夜部门。第一部门地区考核文献研究,按地区分为阿尼玛卿山地域、库库诺尔(青海湖)地域和柴达木地域三章的内容。这一部门重要考据了文献中涌现的相干地名、人名,重点对柔克义文献中对青海湖及柴达木地域的生齿查询拜访停止了剖析,俄语论文范文,归结了分歧地区考核的结果和特色。第二部寺院城镇考核,分为贡本寺(塔尔寺)、拉卜楞年夜寺和卓尼年夜寺三章的内容。这一部门重要联合汉藏文献考据了相干人名、地名和寺院和尚数目,改正和弥补了安多近代史中的一些尚不清楚的史料点,对文献中涌现的寺院和人物考核成果作了归结和总结。最初在结语部门,论文联合当下国际研究东方熟悉西藏成绩上的重要不雅点,剖析了东方人在安多观光和考核的念头、总结了东方人在安多时代的广泛心思认知,对东方人入藏考核结果停止了多实际、多视角的反思,最初对国际研究和运用东方入藏考核文献,停止了必定检查和提出了扶植性看法。


Modern Oriental home appraisal and missionaries in reservoir evaluation and evangelistic Crusades have always is in ancient history, Tibetology Research in popular, medium involves Amdo Department occupied very big proportion, but long-term since various factors influence, coherent performance has been unable to obtain carding system and profound research. In this paper, the object of the study in nineteenth Century, the Russian Poole Gevaski into the assessment of the middle of the twentieth Century to the middle of this period of time to the east of the examination and assessment of the literature, divided into two. The retrospection for the assessment of the history department, with five chapters devoted to recall the Oriental people in the supporting mechanism of Amdo assessment, assessment idea, assessment process and results, important to Russia, Europe and the United States and other important assessment country the main examination movement stopped combing, to some European and American evaluation figures such as the Rockhill (w. W. (Rockhill), Rock (J). F. (Rock), Eike Val (R). B. (Ekvall) and the American missionary Frontier (C). I. M. CMA (C). M. A. (the Church of God (A). G. The assessment figure and movement stopped the key introduction. The second part is the assessment of literature research, is divided into eight chapters. Chapeau with a chapter devoted to discuss the Oriental Literature in the emergence of "Ando" geographical and cultural connotation, combined with Tibetan literature from a historical literature study angle of "Ando" geographical concept with King stopped to discuss, and Amdo social history of Oriental assessment period stopped all comes down, according to the characteristics of Oriental evaluation will assess the literature for regional assessment and temple town two departments. First Department appraisal district literature research, according to the area divided into anima Qing Shan region, kukunuoer (Qinghai Lake region and the Qaidam region of chapter three. This sector an important textual research literature in the emergence of coherent place names and personal names, focus on Rockhill literature in the Qinghai Lake and the Qaidam region's population query visit are analyzed and summed up the differences in assessment of results and characteristics. The second temple town assessment, divided into the Gong Temple (Kumbum Monastery), Labuleng temple and the temple Nianye Nianye Zhuoni three chapters. This sector an important joint Sino Tibetan literature textual research coherent names, places and temples, the number of monks, correct and make up for the Amdo in modern history of some is not clear historical point, to emerge from the literature temple and characters of assessment results for the summed up. Initially in the conclusion part, combined the current international seminar on Oriental familiar Tibet achievement important indecent point, analysis of the Oriental people in Amdo sightseeing and appraisal idea, summarizes the Oriental people in Amdo era of widespread psychological cognitive, of eastern Tibet assessment results to stop the more practical, multi angle reflection, initially on the international research and application of the East into the Tibetan literature evaluating, stop, must check and put forward the construction ideas.

