摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 1881年因为俄皇亚历山年夜二世被刺事宜,东欧地域迸发了激烈的反犹主义活动。从19世纪80年月至20世纪早期,不计其数的东欧犹太人自愿分开故乡,开端了犹太平易近族史上的又一次年夜迁移,英国成为他们的迁居地之一。由于文明认识、生涯习气、宗教崇奉的差别,东欧犹太人与英国当地居平易近的抵触赓续;另外一方面,他们的涌现也给英国带来了各类各样的社会成绩。如许,一场旨在排犹的限制移平易近活动随即在英国国际睁开,1905年英国当局公布了《侨民法案》,俄语论文,在必定水平上遏制了东欧犹太移平易近的迁入,直到第一次世界年夜战迸发才停息了此次移平易近潮。一战迸发后,英国当局于1916年出台《责任征兵制》,出于人性主义斟酌,消除了相符从军前提的俄裔犹太人,英国人对此非常不满,两边暴力抵触赓续,促使英国当局废弃1916年的《责任征兵制》,与俄国签署了《英俄军事办事协议》。战后受国际反犹主义海潮作用,英国涌现了反犹主义集团,反犹权势赓续增强,但终究遭到英公民主政治的遏制。1933年,希特勒出任德国总理,从此德国抓紧了对外侵犯扩大的方法,俄语专业论文,年夜肆危害德国及其占据区的犹太人,犹太难平易近随即涌入英国。英公民众对犹太难平易近的立场无所适从,在同情之余更多了些责备与排挤。因为畏惧国际反犹主义的低落、为了保护平易近族的好处,英国当局的犹太难平易近政策几经变更后,终究恢复了限制犹太人的法案,严厉掌握犹太难平易近的数目。与同时代俄国、德国等其他欧洲国度的反犹情形比拟,英国的反犹主义绝对来讲比拟平和,这都要得益于英国优良的平易近主政治传统。恰是这类政治传统才为英国的反犹主义供给了成长空间,但当它一旦超越平易近主政治的蒙受规模时,便会被其压抑。 Abstract: Since 1881 the Imperial Russian Alexander II assassination matters, Eastern Europe burst of intense regional anti Semitic activities. From the 19th century 80 years of the 20th century to the early, and hundreds of thousands of Jews in Eastern Europe voluntarily leave the hometown, the beginning of the Jewish plain near family history and a large migration, the United Kingdom to become the migration is one of them. Due to the cultural awareness, difference of life habit, religion, Eastern European Jews and British local residents near the conflict continuously; on the other hand, their emergence also to the British brought all kinds of social problems. Such a campaign to row still limit immigration activities immediately at the British international open, 1905 British authorities announced the "nationals act in must level to curb the Eastern European Jewish immigrants in immigration, until the first world war burst to cease the immigrant influx. After the outbreak of the first World War, the British authorities in 1916 introduced the responsibility of conscription ", out of humanitarian considerations, eliminating the consistent army premise of Russian Jews, British people are very upset about this and violence on both sides of conflict ceaselessly, prompted the British government abandoned in 1916 the responsibility of conscription", and Russia signed the Anglo Russian military service agreement. After the war by the international anti Semitic doctrine of tidal influence, Britain emerged anti Semitic group, anti Semitic power continuously strengthened, but ultimately was British democracy of containment. In 1933, Hitler became chancellor of Germany, from Germany to pay close attention to the measures to expand foreign aggression, wantonly harm Germany and occupied area of the Jews, Jewish refugees immediately into the UK. British people of the Jewish refugee stand at a loss, in sympathy more than some blame and exclusion. Because of fear of international anti Semitism in low, in order to protect the peoples the benefits, British authorities Jewish refugee policy several times after the change and eventually restored restricted the number of Jewish law, strict control over Jewish plain near the number of difficult. Compared with other European countries such as Russia, Germany and other European countries, Britain 's anti - doctrine is relatively peaceful, thanks to the excellent national political tradition of the United Kingdom. It is this kind of political tradition that has provided the development space for the anti British doctrine of the United Kingdom, but when it is beyond the scale of the democratic politics, it will be suppressed. 目录: 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 前言 9-15 一、选题意义 9-10 二、国内外探讨概况 10-13 三、探讨思路与措施 13-15 第一章 1881 年之前的近代英国反犹主义 15-22 第一节 重新接纳犹太人时期的排斥言论 15-16 第二节 1753 年《犹太人入籍法》引发的反犹浪潮 16-18 第三节 犹太解放运动时期的反犹论调 18-22 第二章 东欧犹太移民涌入时期的英国反犹主义(1881-1914) 22-37 第一节 英国社会对东欧犹太难民的歧视与偏见 22-28 第二节 布尔战争中出现的反犹情绪 28-31 第三节 英国政坛丑闻中的排犹言论 31-37 第三章 第一次世界大战时期的英国反犹主义(1914—1918) 37-43 第一节 仇外情绪下英国民众的反犹心理 37-38 第二节 从 1916 年《义务征兵制》到 1917 年《英俄军事服务协定》 38-40 第三节 由征兵制问题引发的排犹暴动 40-43 第四章 两次世界大战之间的英国反犹主义(1918—1939) 43-79 第一节 国际犹太阴谋论引发的反犹主义言论 43-49 第二节 经济危机时期英国社会对犹太人的排挤 49-52 第三节 英国法西斯团体的反犹主义活动 52-70 第四节 犹太难民问题与英国社会的反应 70-79 结语 79-82 参考文献 82-85 致谢 85-86 作者简介 86 |