摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 Introduction 8-18 Chapter One Moral Solitude: Dilemma between Betrayal and Loyalty 18-26 1.1 Involuntary Betrayal of Haldin 18-22 1.2 Incomplete Loyalty to Autocracy 22-26 Chapter Two Moral Schism: Dilemma between Instrumentalization and Subjectivity 26-34 2.1 The Instrument of Providence 26-30 2.2 A Great Reforming Servant of the Greatest of States 30-34 Chapter Three Moral Discernment and Purgation: Out of Dilemma by Ultimate Confession 34-40 3.1 Love as both the Impediment and the Impetus of Confession 34-36 3.2 Longing for Identity as the Cardinal Cause of Confession 36-40 Conclusion 40-42 Works Cited 42-46 Acknowledgements 46-47 Informative Abstract in Chinese 47-50 Résumé and Publications since Entering the Program 50 |