
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The thought evolution of Chen Duxiu's life, is an abbreviation of the history of Chinese political thought in the past century, his reactionary experience is the same in the process of public and democratic process of progress and mutual influence. As the history of the Chinese Communist Party has seriously affected and very complex historical figures and the lifetime of the complex thoughts and experience is the public democracy reactionary hardship and bending of a reaction. Chen Duxiu from provincial election to the founding of the party early, he first taught by a feudal orthodox voluntary receiver turn to rely on to reform the feudal rulers from top to bottom in order to rescue plain near family the peril of the reform faction; again by a of gentries improved doctrine respect person change for a conservative bourgeois democracy and actively promote the eastern plain near the main ideas to become bourgeois democracy; originally by a conservative Democratic Change Marxism, as Marxism school. Three thoughts of Chen Duxiu's late serious change let us to understand the ethnic peril background of modern China to Chen is an important representative of the Chinese ancestors member in the exploration of modern Chinese national salvation of hard struggle. Telecontrol early in the period of the May 4th movement, followed the call of the Russian October revolution success, Chen Duxiu thought gradually trend conservative will start the vision from the east to Russia, boldly provoked the spread of Marxism, lure advanced youth into the task of communism. And he started his own glorious page. As Marxism in China late important spread of Chinese Communist Party, the important create important guiding people and advanced stage of the Communist Party of China, Chen Duxiu is undoubtedly of late Marxism in China made important contributions to important representation in the Marxist theory introduction and spread effect, the Communist Party organization of founded and guidance effect, and influence and created a large number of the late Chinese Marxists.


摘要   3-4   ABSTRACT   4   第一章 绪论   6-10       (一) 国内外探讨近况略论   6-7       (二) 选题的探讨意义   7-8       (三) 探讨内容、探讨目标和拟解决的关键问题   8       (四) 拟采取的探讨措施及可行性略论   8-9       (五) 探讨的特色与创新之处   9-10   第二章 从乡试落第到崇拜康梁改良主义   10-18       (一) 与封建科举制度决裂   10-12       (二) 康梁改良主义   12-13       (三) 转为康梁派   13-15       (四) 最终扬弃康梁改良主义思想的主要因素   15-18   第三章 向资产阶级激进民主主义转变   18-28       (一) 新文化运动前夕的陈独秀   18-19       (二) 创办《新青年》,发动新文化运动   19-21       (三) 建设西方资产阶级民主制国家构想   21-24       (四) 向资产阶级民主主义转变的意义   24-25       (五) 对西方资产阶级民主思想的失望和反省   25-28   第四章 向马克思主义转变   28-47       (一) 五四运动的总司令   28-29       (二) 马克思主义在中国的早期传播   29-31       (三) 认同和接受马克思主义的过程   31-34       (四) 转变的主要因素   34-41       (五) 转变的意义   41-47   第五章 结论   47-49   参考文献   49-53   致谢   53-54   在读期间公开论文(著)及科研情况   54  
