
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The structure of ideology of the film with actual research point of view, systematically combing and interpretation of Russian formalism film poetics, constitute a period of Soviet montage actual and Film Semiotics, film narratology, structural feminist film actual etc.. According to the construction thought of germination, muster and growth, steering three aspects to divide the paper before the structuralism, structuralism era and post tectonic era three departments. Thesis that structuralism thought arisen by the humanities and social sciences research scientific bias caused, ancient scientific research, the fundamental approach is to will study fine differentiation after analyzing the divergence factor between a combination of features, and to organize a new object. The structure of ideology of the film has is through the process of differentiation of film text, analysis of reunion after the material, to reach to text organization or interpretation, criticism of the goal. For example, montage on the fundamental thinking of equal to cutting the lens after the analysis between the lens combination principle, in order to complete the film ideographic best. The test from the 20th Century Oriental Aesthetics of literature and art of the eve of the context assessment evolution discipline of the actual film, especially superstition characteristics under the influence of the structure of ideology of the film the actual visits the interaction between naturalism and humanism, and for the first time in the field situation poetics film actual and Soviet montage school placed in the eve of the structuralism, this predicament, the montage still on movie film semiotics are from the new thinking and positioning. From the eve of the structuralism angle discussion film can actually may shake late, classics and ancient film actual traditional division, deepen the film theory research. Between the ancient classics and no longer exists so-called "fracture" film actual from Russian formalism film poetics and the Soviet montage stage it had entered the ancient. Therefore, the actual film will no longer lag from the ancient oriental aesthetics, and adhere to the interactive relationship of synchronization. After the baptism of the structure of ideology film actual from the start of the one-way receiving captive oriental aesthetics, to the 1960s has become Oriental Aesthetics of the main, Eph into neglect the part, even to the post structuralism, after the era of ancient many new aesthetics are from the beginning of the film or around the film, such as feminism. Construction of ideology and structuralism talking the film actual gradually from the edge of the practical aesthetics to the middle sliding, completed the nurturing of practical aesthetics of literature and art.

