摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 措辞的目标是为了表达思惟、停止沟通,措辞时所运用的说话是人类表达思惟、停止外交的一种对象。说话作为人类最主要的外交对象、思想对象,与人类社会文明、文明的发生与成长具有相反相成的关系。外来词作为辞汇体系的构成部门之一,是任何说话都必弗成少的元素之一,俄语论文题目,它的发生与成长有着必定的本源与特点,它差别于辞汇体系中其他构成部门。两个或多个平易近族互相接触后,会天然而然的发生外来词语的借用景象,即说话之间的互相借用、互相引进。固然,在诸多身分的作用下,俄语论文网站,这类借用景象注定是不屈衡的,其缘由会在本文中停止较为周全详实的阐释。作为具有分歧文明配景,乃至是相异的文明配景下的中俄两国,其说话一汉语和俄语,都具有着丰硕悠长的汗青与文明底蕴作为支持。对于外来词语的研究久已有之,,但直到今朝为止,对于“甚么是外来词语”学界仍没有同一的说法。外来词的研究角度更是千姿百态,包含从文明学角度、语义学角度、修辞学角度等各个范畴、视角下的研究摸索。中俄两国很早就重视与其他平易近族的融会与来往,在政治、经济、文明、教导等方面都自动或主动的与其他国度、平易近族产生过接触,与分歧的说话之间产生过互相碰撞。两国在外来词接收借用方面既存在着配合点,也各有特点。这与两国分歧的社会文明配景、政治政策、天然地舆地位、平易近族特有心思及汗青演化纪律有着较为慎密的接洽。此为本论文的实际研究配景与实际研究价值。 Abstract: The purpose of the wording is to express ideas, to stop communication, the wording of the words used in the expression of human thinking, to stop a diplomatic object. Speaking as a human the main foreign object, the object of thought, and civilization of human society, civilization of the occurrence and growth has a complementary relationship. Loanwords, as lexicon system constitutes the part of, any words will be put into one of the few elements, its growth has a source and characteristics of a certain, it is different in words of exchange system in other parts. Two or more common people in contact with each other, will be natural and natural occurrence of borrowed words of the scene, that is, to borrow from each other, to introduce each other. Of course, under the influence of many factors, this kind of borrowing is doomed to be not balanced, the reason will be in this paper to stop a more comprehensive and detailed explanation. As a Chinese and Russian two countries with different cultural backgrounds, and even different civilizations, the two countries have a rich history and cultural heritage. The study of foreign words has long been, but until now, there is still no argument about "what is foreign words". Research angle of loanwords is differ in thousands of ways, groping contains from a cultural perspective, the perspective of semantics, rhetoric angle of every category, from the perspective of the research. China and Russia very early attention and other ethnic blending and exchange, in the aspect of politics, economy, culture, education, etc. automatically or active with other countries and peoples had contact, and differences in the talk between produced collide with each other. The two countries in terms of foreign words to receive both the use of the point, but also the characteristics of each. The and differences between China and the social cultural background, political policy, natural geographical position, plain near family endemic thoughts and historical evolution of the discipline has a closer contact. This is the actual research of this paper with the actual research value. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第1章 前言 8-14 1.1 探讨价值 8 1.2 探讨近况: 8-12 1.3 探讨目的 12 1.4 探讨措施:本文主要应用了描写法、对比略论法等 12 1.5 论文结构 12-14 第2章 \"外来词\"概念的界定 14-20 2.1 汉语对外来语\"的界定 14-15 2.2 俄语对\"外来词\"的界定 15-17 2.3 外来词的传播途径 17-20 2.3.1 通过宗教传播的手段 17-18 2.3.2 通过侵略战争或社会改革 18 2.3.3 通过互联网传播 18-20 第3章 汉俄外来词的译借方式比较 20-27 3.1 汉语外来词的译借方式 20-23 3.2 俄语外来词的译借方式 23-27 第4章 汉俄外来语特征比较 27-44 4.1 汉语外来词的特征 27-32 4.1.1 意译词所占比例较大 27-28 4.1.2 外来词引进数量逐年递增,领域逐年扩展 28-29 4.1.3 字母类形外来词大量涌现 29-30 4.1.4 吸收外来词的方式灵活,但具有汉化意识 30-31 4.1.5 汉语外来词词性比较单一 31 4.1.6 汉语外来词类化影响加强 31-32 4.2 俄语外来词语的特点 32-44 4.2.1 音译词所占比例较大 32-34 4.2.2 俄语外来词吸收总数大、领域宽 34-37 4.2.3 构词形态上存在一定的特殊性 37-38 4.2.4 俄罗斯人天性热情,喜欢接受新鲜事物、异族文化 38-42 4.2.5 俄语外来词词性丰富 42-44 第5章 汉俄外来词语数量悬殊原因 44-52 5.1 历史发展因素 44-47 5.2 地理环境因素 47-48 5.3 语言属性因素 48-49 5.4 文化类型因素 49 5.5 心理因素 49-52 结语 52-54 致谢 54-55 注释 55-57 参考书目 57-59 参考期刊、论文 59-60 |