
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



With the increasingly changes of social civilization in the piano teaching, teaching field has achieved great growth. At the same time on the application of the piano teaching materials also will become rich and colorful. Successive is eight streaky all international piano teaching is lively piano teaching classroom made due contribution, also facing application of piano teaching materials present an increasing number of topic let us go to explore research. According to China's piano teaching status of the system point of view, in order to promote piano teaching situation of further optimization and improvement of piano teaching quality also injected with Chinese characteristics of piano teaching materials, will be we are in the category of piano teaching innovation. The author through the comparative study on Sino Russian piano teaching material application, let us know that China and Russia in the piano teaching and teaching the differences of the system, in the compilation of the teaching material also shows its own characteristics. Russian textbooks valued in the comprehensive piano learning process, attention to the comprehensive development of comprehensive music. And textbooks in China also in ceaseless innovation, exploration, teach researchers is also getting more and more attention to the basic knowledge of music education, but in the piano teaching materials did not principle of progressive, step by step. The music basic knowledge of general learning as music enlightenment course or teach the piano grading test before learning to stop "assault", is in the piano teaching material no more adequate with piano learning rigorous combined together, such in the process of learning the piano of music synthesis can be produced slightly lack of. In addition, the application of international textbooks and indecent appreciation needs to progress and growth. In the design of teaching materials, content and structure, the plain near family excellent music and multi-cultural should be filling has the characteristics of Chinese teaching, the teacher should be combined with teaching experience and the humanities education, with clever the excellent teaching material comprehensive application, reasonable expansion of, the teaching effect and inner most of the eve of the limit of cast out, in the stage of beginning a study on the piano happened strong interest, for piano playing skills foundation solid basic and perforative lifelong music literacy development offers superior began.


摘要   7-8   Abstract   8-9   绪论   10-16       一、 选题的目的、意义   10       二、 现有探讨成果   10-14           (一) 论著类   10-11           (二) 硕博学位论文类   11           (三) 期刊文章类   11-14       三、 创新之处   14       四、 探讨思路及基本内容   14-16           (一) 探讨思路   14           (二) 基本内容   14-16   第一章 对于钢琴教材   16-22       一、 钢琴教材及发展过程   16-18       二、 钢琴教材的功能及影响   18       三、 中俄钢琴教材产生的背景和教育体制理念   18-21           (一) 俄罗斯钢琴教材产生的背景和教育理念   18-20           (二) 中国钢琴教材产生的背景和教育理念   20-21           (三) 比较略论   21       注释   21-22   第二章 中俄钢琴教学常用教材简介及应用近况比较略论   22-29       一、 常用钢琴教材简介   22-26           (一) 俄罗斯常用的钢琴教材   22-24           (二) 中国常用的钢琴教材   24-25           (三) 中俄两国常用的钢琴教材比较略论   25-26       二、 钢琴教材应用的近况及比较略论   26-28           (一) 俄罗斯钢琴教学教材应用的近况   26-27           (二) 中国钢琴教学教材应用的近况   27-28           (三) 比较略论   28       注释   28-29   第三章 中俄钢琴教学教材应用的比较   29-32       一、 钢琴教学中初级阶段教材应用的对比探讨   29       二、 钢琴教学中中级阶段教材应用的对比探讨   29-30       三、 钢琴教学中高级阶段教材应用的对比探讨   30-31       四、 比较探讨结果略论   31-32   第四章 中俄现代钢琴教学的特点及现代钢琴教材的发展趋势   32-39       一、 中俄钢琴教学的特点   32-34           (一) 俄罗斯钢琴教学的特点   32-33           (二) 中国钢琴教学的特点   33           (三) 中俄现代钢琴教学特点比较略论   33-34       二、 现代钢琴教材的发展趋势   34-38           (一) 民族因素钢琴教材发展趋势   34-35           (二) 综合因素钢琴教材发展趋势   35-36           (三) 多元因素钢琴教材发展趋势   36-37           (四) 创造因素钢琴教材发展趋势   37-38       注释   38-39   第五章 关于钢琴教材编选的几点意见   39-44       一、 启蒙阶段   39-40       二、 练习曲   40-41       三、 复调   41-42       四、 小型乐曲   42       五、 大型乐曲   42-44   结语   44-45   参考文献   45-47   附录   47-65   攻读学位期间所的学术论文   65-67   致谢   67  
