摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 中国和俄罗斯是世界上最年夜的两个成长中国度,同时又是邻接的友爱联邦,两国的政治经济来往由来已久。从1991年苏联崩溃至今,固然两国商业一波三折,但整体呈上升趋向。2017年8月22日,俄罗斯正式被归入世界商业组织框架,这将为两国的商业成长带来新的契机。基于此,本文起首剖析了中俄双边商业成长现状,再运用国际商业尺度分类法和HS编码分类法对两国商业构造停止详细剖析,得出结论两国商品商业构造固然具有较强互补性,俄罗斯对中国出口以低级产物为主,中国对俄罗斯出口以工业制制品为主。然则俄罗斯对中国出口的动力类产物受世界市场价钱动摇年夜,中国对俄罗斯出口的工业制制品具有很强的可替换性。作用两国商业构造的身分有许多,如天然前提、社会经济前提和轨制前提等,而俄罗斯参加WTO后商业轨制的转变也将增进中俄商业构造的改良。以这些作用身分为基本,本文拔取1992年-2017年的数据为样本,以原有商业引力模子为基本,选择变量两国人均GDP、两国关税税率、FDI和APEC,分离回归中俄双边商业的模子、低级产物在双边商业中所占比重模子和工业制制品在双边商业中所占比重模子,磨练这些变量对双边商业及商业构造的作用水平,并依据实证成果猜测俄罗斯出世后对中俄商业构造的作用。文章最初依据实证成果提出响应的政策建议:(1)在WTO框架下标准两国商业轨制;(2)施展要素天赋优势,俄语论文,看重技巧提高,改良商业构造;(3)改良投资情况,勉励两国互相投资;(4)看重区域经济协作主要性,勉励扶植中俄自在商业区;(5)晋升中国产物品牌认识,加强中国商品的国际竞争力。 Abstract: China and Russia is the world's largest two China growth degree, and the federal fraternity adjacent to the political economy of two countries with long-standing. Since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, although the commercial overall upward two striking one snag after another, but the trend. In August 22, 2017, Russia officially classified as the world trade organization framework, which will bring new growth opportunities for bilateral business. Based on this, this paper analysis of the Sino Russian bilateral trade development present situation, and application of international commercial scale classification and HS code classification detailed analysis on bilateral trade structure, that although conclusion bilateral merchandise trade structure has a strong complementarity, Russia to China's export to low-level products mainly, China exports to Russia to manufactured products mainly. But Russia to export power Chinese products by the world market price fluctuation is big, Chinese for Russian exports of manufactured products is very strong can be replaced. Effect of bilateral trade structure has many factors, such as natural conditions, social economic system premise and the condition, improved WTO commercial system in Russia will enhance the transformation of the trade structure between China and russia. On the basis of these factors, this paper selects data from 1992 to 2017 as samples, to the original commercial gravity model as the basic, selection of variables between the two countries per capita GDP, two tariff rate, FDI and APEC, the separation regression model of the Sino Russian bilateral trade, low product in bilateral trade accounted for proportion of molds and manufactured products in the bilateral trade share proportion of mold, hone level of the influence of these variables on bilateral trade and trade structure and based on the results of the empirical speculation effects of Russian born on Sino Russian trade structure. Article originally according to the empirical results put forward corresponding policy suggestions: (1) under the framework of WTO two standard commercial rail system; (2) to display their natural endowment advantage, valued skills improve, improve the business structure; (3) to improve the investment, and encouraged the two countries to invest in each other; (4) value of regional economic cooperation of and encourage the construction of Sino Russian free trade area; (5) promotion product of China brand understanding, strengthen the international competitiveness of Chinese goods. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 目录 7-9 插图索引 9-10 附表索引 10-11 第1章 绪论 11-17 1.1 选题背景及意义 11-12 1.1.1 探讨背景 11 1.1.2 探讨意义 11-12 1.2 相关文献综述 12-15 1.2.1 对于中俄贸易结构问题的探讨综述 12-14 1.2.2 有关贸易引力模型的探讨综述 14-15 1.2.3 有关俄罗斯入世对中俄贸易作用的探讨综述 15 1.2.4 文献评述 15 1.3 探讨内容及主要的创新点 15-17 1.3.1 探讨内容 15-16 1.3.2 主要创新点 16-17 第2章 中俄贸易结构近况略论 17-32 2.1 中俄双边贸易发展概述 17-21 2.1.1 中俄双边贸易发展历程 17-19 2.1.2 中俄双边贸易发展特点 19-21 2.2 中俄商品贸易结构略论 21-32 2.2.1 基于初级产品和工业制成品略论 21-25 2.2.2 基于中俄具体贸易商品的略论 25-30 2.2.3 中俄贸易结构互补性略论 30-32 第3章 俄入世对中俄贸易结构作用:理论略论 32-40 3.1 贸易结构的概念及作用因素 32-34 3.1.1 贸易结构的概念 32 3.1.2 贸易结构的作用因素 32-34 3.2 俄罗斯入世对中俄贸易结构的影响机理 34-40 3.2.1 经济一体化对贸易结构的机理略论 35-36 3.2.2 贸易壁垒对贸易结构的机理略论 36-38 3.2.3 外商直接投资对贸易结构的机理略论 38-40 第4章 俄入世对中俄贸易结构的作用:实证略论 40-48 4.1 贸易引力模型的基本理论 40-41 4.2 中俄双边贸易引力扩展模型的构建 41-43 4.2.1 模型中变量的选择 41-42 4.2.2 模型数据来源 42 4.2.3 模型变量及符号说明 42-43 4.3 实证检验及结果略论 43-45 4.3.1 中俄贸易总额的实证略论 43-44 4.3.2 中俄贸易结构的实证略论 44-45 4.4 利用实证结果预测俄入世的作用 45-48 4.4.1 基于本国经济增长的作用 45-46 4.4.2 基于降低贸易壁垒的作用 46-47 4.4.3 基于相互投资增长的作用 47 4.4.4 基于区域合作组织加强的作用 47-48 第5章 政策建议 48-51 5.1 在WTO框架下规范两国贸易制度 48 5.2 发挥要素禀赋优势,重视技术进步,改善贸易结构 48-49 5.3 改善投资环境,鼓励两国相互投资 49 5.4 重视区域经济合作重要性,俄语论文网站,鼓励建设中俄自由贸易区 49 5.5 提升中国产品品牌意识,增强中国商品的国际竞争力 49-51 结论 51-53 参考文献 53-56 致谢 56-57 |