摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 清朝是我国汗青上最初一个独裁王朝,在其统治的二百六十多年里,同一的多平易近族国度获得绝后的稳固和成长,政治、经济、文明成长敏捷,各平易近族交换频仍,而且很多政策为后世所继续。清兵入关以后,清当局和沙俄当局有了正式的接触,两边的来往对两国的政治、经济和文明交换都发生了深远的作用。康雍乾时代,是中俄关系的开端、成长和深化阶段。《尼布楚合同》的签署,肯定了中俄的东段界限,开启了两国正式互市关系,促使京师通商隆盛一时;《恰克图合同》的签署则肯定了中俄的中段界限,为中俄边关通商的鼓起奠基了坚实基本;《恰克图市约》的签署,使现代中俄两国的商业进入了一个黄金时代。康雍乾时代中俄两国关系是既互相对峙又相互依存,俄语论文网站,沙俄为了经济上的伟大好处,不能不停滞国土的扩大,而清当局也须要中俄界限的稳固来处置平易近族间事务。因为清初政权稳固,俄国的计谋重点重要在欧洲,俄语毕业论文,此时两国的来往年夜多半情形都处于对等的状况。所以准确的熟悉清朝后期的中俄商业关系是非常需要的,可以更好的懂得中俄关系成长头绪,有助于加深对有清一代与东方关系的熟悉。本文重要从清朝早期中俄关系动手,着重剖析了清初两国的商业政策,和两国当局对两国商业的立场,因为两国统治者的动身点分歧,所以分歧时代商业政策的作用也各不雷同。本文重要经由过程研究康雍乾时代对俄的分歧政策,来研究清朝早期中俄商业的特色,和对两国政治、经济和文明形成的作用。 Abstract: The Qing Dynasty is the history of our country the first autocratic Dynasty. In its rule over 260 years, with a multi ethnic country obtained unprecedented stability and growth, political, economic, cultural development agile, the peoples of the exchange is frequent and many policies for future generations the continued. Qingbingruguan later, Qing government and the Russian authorities have official contacts, on both sides of the dealings of bilateral political, economic and cultural exchange have taken place in the profound influence. Kangxi era, is the beginning of the Sino Russian relations, growth and deepening stage. To the Nerchinsk contract signed, affirmed the the eastern boundaries of China and Russia, the two countries opened a formal trade relations, promote capital trade Longsheng temporarily; "Kyakhta agreement signed is certainly the boundaries of the middle part of China and Russia, to muster the Sino Russian border trade laid a firm foundation; the Kyakhta city about" signed the modern Sino Russian business has entered a golden age. Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong era of Sino Russian relations between the two countries are both in opposition to each other and interdependent, tsarist Russia for the economic great benefits, not stagnation land expansion, Qing authorities also need the stability of Sino Russian boundary to deal with the plain near family affairs. Because of the strong political power in the early Qing Dynasty, the strategic importance of Russia is important in Europe, and the two countries are in a state of equal exchange between the two countries. Therefore, the accurate understanding of the late Qing Dynasty business relations between China and Russia is very necessary, you can better understand the relationship between China and Russia is a clue to help deepen the understanding of the relationship between the East and the East has a clear understanding. In the early Qing Dynasty of China Russia relations from the start, the stress is put on the analysis of the commercial policies of the two countries at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and the authorities of both countries on bilateral trade position, because the rulers of the two countries starting point differences, so age differences of commercial policy also each are not identical. This article through the discussion on the Kangxi era of Russian policy differences, research during the early Qing Dynasty Sino Russian business characteristics, and on the formation of bilateral political, economic and cultural influence. 目录: 摘要 7-8 Abstract 8-9 一、 绪论 10-15 (一) 本探讨课题的学术背景及其理论与实际意义 10-11 (二) 文献综述以及相关领域的探讨进展和成果 11-13 1. 从整体上探讨中俄的贸易关系 11-12 2. 从中俄贸易的各个阶段入手进行探讨 12 3. 从具体某一区域或者某一商品的角度进行探寻 12-13 (三) 古代中俄两国的间接贸易概述 13-15 二、 康熙年间的中俄贸易的开端 15-27 (一) 《尼布楚条约》签订前中俄的直接贸易形式 15-18 1. 中国西北盟国各部的对俄贸易 15-16 2. 俄国使团和商队在北京的贸易 16-17 3. 黑龙江和额尔古纳河沿岸地带中国当地居民同俄国人的贸易 17-18 (二) 《尼布楚条约》的签订与中俄正式通商关系的确立 18-19 (三) “京师互市”的兴起 19-23 (四) 库伦互市的衰落 23-24 (五) 18 世纪初中俄贸易关系中的矛盾与问题 24-27 三、 雍正年间的中俄贸易的缓慢发展 27-33 (一) 《恰克图条约》的缔结与恰克图市场的出现 27-28 (二) 齐齐哈尔互市的兴起与繁荣 28-30 (三) 中俄边关互市的兴起 30-33 四、 乾隆年间的中俄贸易的初步繁荣 33-44 (一) 京师互市的延续与终止 33-35 (二) 恰克图互市初步繁荣 35-37 (三) 恰克图互市的中断与《恰克图市约》的缔结 37-42 1. 恰克图互市的第一次闭关 38-39 2. 恰克图互市的第二次闭关 39-40 3. 恰克图互市的第三次闭关 40-42 (四) 边境地区对俄贸易的发展 42-44 五、 康雍乾时期中俄贸易的特点 44-48 (一) 朝贡贸易思想仍是主流 44-45 (二) 对外贸易中逐渐体现出近代特征 45-46 (三) 对外贸易与文化交往并行 46-47 (四) 对外贸易交往方式以和平为主 47-48 六、 康雍乾时期中俄贸易的作用及评价 48-54 (一) 对两国政治关系的作用 48-49 (二) 对两国社会经济的作用 49-51 1. 中俄贸易给俄国带来了巨大的好处 49-51 2. 中俄贸易给清政府也带来一定的好处 51 (三) 对两国文化交流的作用 51-54 结语 54-55 参考文献 55-59 攻读学位期间所的学术论文 59-61 致谢 61 |