资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米
Abstract 7-9 摘要 9-11 Chapter 1 Introduction 11-17 1.1. Preconditions and importance of the theme 11-13 1.2. Objects and tasks of the work 13-14 1.3 Structure of the work 14-17 Chapter 2 Literature review 17-41 2.1. Investigations in the area of senior and middle level managers 17-25 2.1.1. Definition of senior and middle level management 17-21 2.1.2. The analysis of importance of senior and middle level management 21-25 2.2. Systematic analysis of hiring and firing of senior and middle level managers 25-41 2.2.1. Theoretical overview of hiring and firing (by its nature and concept) 25-28 2.2.2. The hiring of senior and middle level management (the whole process) 28-34 2.2.3. The firing of senior and middle level managers (the whole process) 34-41 Chapter 3 Analysis of methods of hiring and firing of senior andmiddle level managers in Russia and China 41-58 3.1. Analysis of hiring processes in Russian and Chinese companies 41-50 3.1.1 Tendencies of hiring in China 41-46 3.1.2 Tendencies of hiring in Russia 46-50 3.2. Analysis of firing criteria in Russian and Chinese companies 50-58 3.2.1. Analysis of firing criteria in Chinese companies 50-53 3.2.2. Analysis of firing criteria in Russian companies 53-58 Chapter 4 Practical investigation of hiring and firing standards ofsenior and middle level managers in Russian and Chinese companies 58-88 4.1. Research findings 58-61 4.2. The Factor analysis 61-65 4.3. Analysis of requirements to the top management in Chinese and Russiancompanies(according to the research) 65-77 4.4. Comparative analysis of hiring criteria of senior and middle level managers inChinese and Russian companies 77-81 4.5. Comparative analysis of firing criteria of senior and middle level managers inChinese and Russian companies 81-88 Chapter 5 Conclusion and consequences 88-95 References 95-104 Appendix 1 Research Form for HR managers(English variant) 104-114 Appendix 2 Research Form for HR managers(Russian variant) 114-124 Appendix 3 Chinese companies list 124-127 Appendix 4 Russian companies list 127-129 Appendix 5 Factor Analysis 129-130 Appendix 6 T-test 130-157 Appendix 7 Tables 157-177 Published Papers During Postgraduate Years 177-178 Acknowledgement 178