
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The exchange of different civilizations is one of the important driving force to promote the growth of civilization. No one civilization is self-sufficient, it is in historical endless flow gengxu to receive and introduction of alien civilization, and rich and the progress of civilization itself. Speech is the carrier of civilization, civilization exchange pose language contact, exchange and the impact of the cultural differences between the will in speech to imprint, occurrence of various types of speech scene, such as speaking component borrowing, bilingual, speaking conversion, mix to speak, speak hybrid etc. scene. The Sino Russian cultural exchange history has a long history. 18th century half leaf occurred in Kyakhta business city of Sino Russian Pidgin, and at the end of the 19th century and the 20th century early emergence in Harbin Sino Russian pidgin is exactly China and Russia national civilization exchange products is talking on the performance influence of Han Russia two of the eve of the civilization. 18th century half leaf followed the Kyakhta frontier commercial muster Kyakhta and business city emerged a special Sino Russian trade terms - "Kyakhta Russian Pidgin". At the end of the 19th century, along with the Middle East Railway started construction of the eve of the group of Russian immigrant influx of Harbin, Harbin, China residents in long-term and Russian immigrants frequently travel to Harbin the emergence of a unique characteristics of speech - "Harbin Sino Russian pidgin." The two Sino Russian Pidgin words become important from Russian, a speech from the Chinese Department of huiyuan. This is the time when the Chinese and Russian cultural groups and the Chinese and Russian exchanges between the Chinese and Russian speaking carrying the economic boom has a close relationship. Kiakhta Russian pidgin language used in business between the two peoples, business Kiakhta city business, is a commercial. Harbin Sino Russian Pidgin for Harbin regional people's daily life, is a common foreign language. From the scale of Sino Russian Pidgin application can be seen Kyakhta, business city, Harbin region of Sino Russian national contacts is material civilization level, basically did not touch rail system culture and psychological culture level. Whether Qiaketu trade Pidgin still Harbin normal diplomatic Pidgin, applicability to speak, satisfied the concession period, certain groups of civilization is the most fundamental diplomacy needs. Follow Kyakhta frontier commercial decline, in the 1950s and 1960s Sino Russian relations improved, evacuated Harbin overseas Russian in a large amount, English and speaks as a strong influence is increasing ceaselessly, Sino Russian Pidgin application scale is getting smaller, but some words can still encountered in daily life, such as "cling to", "Lidaosi '. In addition, Sino Russian Pidgin Department vocabulary into Chinese and Russian speaking especially southwest dialect vocabulary system, and even some authoritative dictionaries, such as the loan words in Chinese dictionary, the Soviet Union to the eve of the encyclopedia, the Ushakov detailed dictionary included. These vocabulary is Chinese and Russian speaking contact of corroborative evidence, but also the Sino Russian cultural exchange witness.

